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27Apr2024 - 10:23 33 AM
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TAIWAN DRAMA DVD Lucky Days 第2回合我爱你 / 第二回合我爱你 Eps.1-20 End by Hsu Yu Ting (T06)
Code : 9555209007066
Price : MYR79.90 SGD37.95 USD31.16 RMB215.73 MYR63.92 / SGD30.36 / USD24.93 / RMB172.58
Weight :400 g
Staring :Chen Yi Rong , Chris Wang , Chen Bo Zheng , Lin Mei Xiu , Fan Guang Yao , Jessica Song / 宥胜 , 陈怡蓉 , 宋新妮 , 柯叔元 , 胡盈祯 ,
Director :Wang Ming Tai 王明台 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :7
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :TAIWAN 三立 ,

Xiao Ren Miao was a couple who had been in a relationship for three years. Their romance was quite pragmatic like most people in the world; however, they each live independently with different values and were only intimate after falling in love. Xiao Ren and Miao Miao had never thought of getting married or divorced. All problems were caused by 'money' instead of a tacky reason such as being pregnant. The pragmatic issues and setbacks in life triggered their constant conflicts and thier relationship ended in divorce. Xiao Ren found a computer by accident taht could take people back to the past. He tried several times to change his fate by returning to the pas, but all in vain...At least, Xiao Ren realized that he could not change his fate by altering it in the past step because he only has himself to blame. He returned to the time when Miao Miao decided to buy the apartment and managed to change her decision. He has a new start and he believed this time he would be more cautious and steady toward his next step.


小任(宥胜饰)和妙妙(陈怡蓉饰)是一对情侣,交往三年。 抱歉,他们的恋情和世界上大部分的恋情一样,没有惊天动地的相遇、纠缠、眼泪与悸动。 那么,该怎么形容他们的恋情呢?只能这样说:这是一段相当务实的爱情。 说真的,他们“非得”务实,因为没有显赫的家庭背景、没有上一代的光环庇荫,一个月薪四万出头的男子,和一个月薪三万上下的女子,如果不务实的面对他们的恋情,又能怎么办? 所以,这场恋爱里的大小凡事,都得计画:一个月看两次电影、上一次馆子。每周逛不花钱的街一次、吃路边摊以后,宾馆费用除以二。 他们是这么恋爱的。 结婚ing…… 恋爱的如此风平浪静、省钱又省事,说真的,小任和妙妙从来没想过会走上结婚这条路。问题当然不是出在怀孕这么俗气的理由,一切还是“钱”惹出来的麻烦。 长话短说,事情是这样的…… 小任卖房子,见识了许多客户靠买卖房子赚转手差价,一翻两翻几百万轻易到手,于是,这个赚钱的好机会让妙妙芳心大乱,坚持也要赚赚看。在小任的把关下,挑了一栋价廉物美的小豪宅,经过一番表面修饰,房子果然在转手间,替妙妙赚了百万。 这下妙妙心野了,再次出手……可惜,金融风暴来了,妙妙的房子被套牢了。每个月五六万的房贷简直要逼死她,当初买房子和亲戚好友间的融资也无力偿还,所以,妙妙想到仅剩的赚钱方法--结婚! 离婚ing…… 电脑快速键里有个“回到上一步”的功能--只要按下Control+z,就可以回到上一步,重新开始。 妙妙常常在想:如果人生也有Control+z的功能有多好?…那么,她绝对不会买下这栋房子、更不会被房子逼到结婚这条路上、更不会因为结婚而背上“抢钱夫妻”的名号。 小任总是嗤之以鼻的回道:务实一点吧小姐。 千金难买早知道!既然走到这一步,只能硬着头皮继续走下去………但是,真的要离婚了吗? “我不要离婚。” 小任突然冒出这句话,在诡异的空间里,显得格外刺耳、清晰。 然后,小任在触控键盘上按下了Control+z……一切,回到了“上一步”!

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