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12Mar2025 - 12:34 23 PM
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Tokujo Kabachi!! 特上 代书万万岁
Code : 3361926004518
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :250 g
Staring :櫻井翔 , 堀北真希 , 中村雅俊 , 高橋克実 , 遠藤憲一 , 浅野ゆう子 , 田丸麻紀 , 渡辺いっけい ,
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Seri Anjung ,

The story centers around the employees of a legal document firm. Tamura Katsuhiro is a young man with a strong sense of justice. Although he believes that the law isn't always right, he becomes an administrative scrivener with the goal of manipulating the law in order to protect the weak. On the other hand, Sumiyoshi Misuzu, a former delinquent who hates to lose and who is now a capable scrivener. Katsuhiro and Misuzu are always at odds, but they gradually come to understand each other. 本片讲述的是一个熟悉法律,并以法律为武器热心帮助弱者的行政书士副手的热血故事。所谓行政书士是指拥有替政府机关起草法律文件资格的人。在经济不振的今天,也可谓是份很不错的工作。原作是在漫画杂志《morning》上连载的由田岛隆和东风孝广创作的人气作品。剧名中的カバチ是广岛方言歪理的意思。原作是以广岛为生活背景,电视剧则将其改在了东京。 对于人情和眼泪毫无抵抗能力,充满正义感的行政书士副手田村胜弘(樱井翔饰)。而本剧的另一主人公住吉美寿寿(堀北真希饰)则是个第一眼觉得她清秀可人,但却是性格刚强,讨厌对工作太过积极的男人,能力极强的行政书士。这对欢喜冤家将会以严肃又不失搞笑的方式为我们上演法律工作者的成长史。


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