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15Jan2025 - 12:04 42 PM
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DVD Autumn's Concerto 下一站,幸福 Part 2 Vol.1-9 (Eng Sub) Taiwan Drama
Code : 9555209005536
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :安以轩 , 吴建豪 , 许玮甯 , 吴慷仁 , 小小彬 ,
Director :陈慧翎 ,
Year :2009
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , TVB Series Offer ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :TAIWAN 三立 ,

Some people's life is smooth and successful, but some have to stop or slow their steps to solve difficulties in order to move to next step. They may miss the view outside the window, or miss the one beside them. No one knows who is the one to accompany him (her) to the last stop. Could the lovers truly accompany each other till the end of life?"Guangxi" - who always picked up by the driver to the destination, unable to decide his own life, surreal and supercilious, is the only inheritor of ShengDe Group. It seems that he owns everything, but actually he is the poorest in the world. No love, no laugh, no expectations, and no heartbeat. Not knowing how to care and give until his encounter with Mucheng, and the gifts left by his leaving father become the unbreakable linkage between him and Mucheng."Mucheng" - a girl doesn't know where to stop and leave the bus and dare not to fall asleep in the bus.Even though she is kindhearted and discovers that the happiness she expected since childhood is in Guangxi's hand,she has no choice but to leave under his mother's severe request at the day when Guangxi has to receive surgery.For the six years, she lives bravely and optimistically with his son Xiaole, who is a type 1 diabetic, at Huatian village till Guangxi returns to her life again; however, Guangxi has lost his memory and she could only suppress her agitated emotion and give her best wishes to Guangxi, who is completely changed and has happy life. 有些人的人生,是直达车…有些人却是慢车,中间总要经过许多站,经历许多人…有人总是下错站,坐过头,不是错失了窗外风景,就是错过了身旁的人…没有人知道,能陪自己坐到终点站的人,究竟会是谁…幸福,将在哪里到站?下一站.幸福!希望你是我幸福永远的终点站!却是一个只能坐上由司机专车接送到目的地,无法决定自己人生方向的人 这是一个 关于他们的故事 女主角慕橙天性善良透明,是这个世上再也找不出第二个的国宝级的纯情派,她不常掉泪,她水晶般的眼泪,具有扫净苦痛和恶欲的能力。 她懂得并期待真正的爱情,面对任何困难从不气馁,热情、正义,当她发现男主角任光晞保护她,并且爱上了任光晞。 眼看着幸福即将来临,却因为想让光晞有更大的几率活下去,慕橙为了光晞的病不得不让步。在光晞母亲的苦苦哀求之下,慕橙在光晞手术当天离开。 六年来,慕橙带着儿子小乐在花田村坚强而乐观的活着,患有第一型糖尿病的小乐是慕橙人生中最珍贵的礼物。 只有陪她一路走来的拓也了解,在慕橙平静的笑容之下有着深深的遗憾与感伤,没想到光晞会再次回到她的生命,面对失去记忆的光晞,慕橙只能压抑内心的悸动,为改头换面拥有美好生活的光晞送上深深祝福。 无意打开隐藏在幸运手环里的记忆卡,面对两人昔日相依的照片,所有失去的记忆排山倒海而至,光晞想起了慕橙,和他们之间的爱情。 面对光晞的埋怨怀疑,小乐的兴高采烈,以及默默陪伴的拓也。 幸福,将在哪里到站。


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