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30Mar2025 - 03:20 45 AM
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TV HongKong

TVB DVD The Legend of the Condor Heroes ll 金庸系列 射雕英雄传之东邪西毒 Eps.1-20 End (Eng Sub) TVB Hong Kong Drama
Code : 9555209005352
Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
Weight :350 g
Staring :黄日华 , 翁美玲 , 苗乔伟 , 杨盼盼 , 曾江 , 杨泽霖 , 刘丹 ,
Director :鞠觉亮 ,
Genre :Ancient Period , Detective / Action , Family / Love / Relationship , HK TVB ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

KWOK SIU TIN and YEUNG TIT SUM’s assistance to YAU CHU KEI, a Taoist priest, in fighting against the KAM army unfolds the tragic fate befallen them. ,The KAM PRINCE falls for the beauty of SUM’s wife. In order to have her as his wife, he must do away with SUM and TIN. TIN is killed and his wife is lucky to have escaped to Mongolia, where she gives birth to her son CHING (WONG YAT WAH). , SUM is missing and his wife marries the PRINCE. Before long, she also gives birth to a boy named HONG (MIU KIU WAI). Eighteen years later, CHING, together with the SEVEN GROTESQUES, goes south to the mainland. There he meets with WONG YUNG (YUNG MEI LING); their romance sparks off from then on. CHING meets with HUNG CHAT GONG, the NORTH BEGGAR, and CHOW PAK TUNG, the AGED MISCHIEVOUS CHILD, and they pass onto him their supreme Kung Fu. On the other hand, HONG has also arrived in the mainland. In order to invade the Sung Dynasty, he plots to steal The Art of War. After succeeding GONG as the leader of the Beggar’s Clan, YUNG returns to her home on the Peach Blossom Island with CHING. They are stunned at seeing five of the SEVEN GROTESQUES lying dead on the Island. CHING is mad and condemns YUNG’s father, WONG YEUK SHI, the EAST INFIDEL, to have killed his teachers. Meanwhile, the great event in the martial arts world, the Kung Fu Masters Meet, is also approaching. Kung Fu masters from every corner of China gather at the Peak of Wah Shan to stand trial. The five Kung Fu supermen, the EAST INFIDEL, WEST VENOM, SOUTH KING, NORTH BEGGAR, and Aged MISCHIEVOUS CHILD are all present. Who will be the chief? 郭靖(黄日华)及黄蓉(翁美玲)结伴同游江南,途遇北丐洪七公(刘丹),蓉以佳肴换得七公授靖降龙十八掌。华筝(黄造时)及拖雷兄妹于中原重遇靖。筝向靖重提亲事,靖不欲背信于筝,却又与蓉情投意合,靖举棋不定,蓉怒返桃花岛,靖始发觉自己深爱蓉,遂赶至桃花岛,却遭蓉父东邪黄药师(曾江)阻挠。后与被困岛上的老顽童周伯通(秦煌)结为兄弟,更得其亲授左右相击术及九阴真经。 靖与蓉冰释前嫌,七公代靖向黄药师提亲,时西毒欧阳峰(杨泽霖)偕侄到来提亲,双方遂起冲突。黄药师决以比武定夺,靖险胜,但却因周伯通胡言乱语,引起黄药师误会,靖即被逐离桃花岛。期后,一双爱侣几经波折始能重聚,再度共闯江湖。 杨康与完颜烈密谋进侵大宋,此事为靖、蓉所悉,靖为保河山而被西毒打至重伤。后得黄蓉相助,逃至密室以真经疗伤,武功反而大进。


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