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14Mar2025 - 02:58 11 PM
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KOREA DRAMA DVD The Return of Iljimae / Dolanon Iljimae / 一枝梅归来 by Kim Kwang Sik, Do Young Myung (K48)
Code : W001349
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :Jung Il Woo , Yoon Jin Seo , Kim Min Jong , Jung Hye Young , Lee Kye In / 郑日宇 , 尹真实 , 金旻钟 ,
Director :Hwang In Roe & Kim Soo Young ,
Year :2009
Genre :Ancient Period , Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Producer :KOREA MBC ,

He was born out of wedlock and his father was a high-ranking Champan official while his mother was a lowly servant. To protect the honor of his father's family, he was abandoned as a baby and tucked underneath an apricot tree. He was given the name Iljimae. Iljimae was adopted by a family who lived in the Qing Kingdom. After tracing his roots back to Korea, his father rejects him once more. With a heavy heart, he returns to his country and unleashes his anger upon the ruling class to fight their injustice and tyranny for the sake of the commoners. Wherever he appears to uphold justice, he leaves behind a single branch of an apricot tree.....

在身份等级制度森严的朝鲜时代,作为参判大人和奴婢之间出生的庶子,刚出生的一枝梅被丢弃在梅花树下,幸而被一个乞丐和涅空大师收养。从小在清国长大的一枝梅(郑日宇 饰)为了寻找亲生父母回到了朝鲜,然而回到故土的一枝梅却被当作间谍遭到通缉。为了前途狠心抛弃自己的父亲、命运多舛的母亲,还有在刑场上消失的初恋情人达姬都是一枝梅内心深处的痛。在像自己的父亲般的涅空大师的教导下,一枝梅将内心的愤怒转向了剥削贫苦百姓的贪官们,成为了拯救百姓的义贼。一枝梅不仅扫荡了朝鲜八道江山的盗贼派,并与通敌叛国的卖国贼对抗,成为举国上下的英雄。一枝梅深爱的女人月姬(尹真书 饰)是一枝梅孤独人生中唯一的休憩地。有着秀气长相和开朗性格的月姬在父亲去世后开始在书店做着抄写的工作。在山洞邂逅逃避官兵追捕的一枝梅后,月姬就跟一枝梅接下了不解之缘。


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