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06Feb2025 - 01:04 26 AM
Category :


His Girl Friday 女友礼拜五 DVD
Code : 9787885740672
Price : MYR12.90 SGD6.13 USD5.03 RMB34.83 MYR10.32 / SGD4.90 / USD4.02 / RMB27.86
Weight :250 g
Staring :Cary Grant , Rosalind Russell ,
Director :Howard Hawks ,
Genre :Classic , Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

Considered by many to be the best of Howard Hawks comedies (Bringing Up Baby, I Was a Male ar Bride), HIS GIRL FRIDAY was adapted from Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur's soft-filmed Broadway smash "The Front Page" with a screenplay by Charles Lederer, Hawks changed the sex of one of the male leads, and revamped the spoof of newspapers and news hounds into a hilarious and sophisticated battle of the sexes and battle of the exes, When ace reporter Hidy Johnson (Rosalind Russell, never better) announces she's leaving the newspaper world behind to settle into domesticity with a stuffy fiance (Ralph Bellany), her demanding editor and ex-husband Walet Burns (Cary Grant) is determined to keep her on staff and win back her heart in the process.



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