In the Black Forrest lives the charcoal burner Peter Munk. When he wants to marry the beautiful Lisbeth, his poverty become painfully conscious to him. He asks the Little Man of Glass who is a good spirit of the forest for help. He gets it but thoughtlessly looses it. Now he call on the Dutchman Michel, the bad spirit, for help. Michel promises him all the wealth of the world if peter exchanges his heart against a cold stone. He agrees, and from now on he becomes richer and richer and also more brutal than ever. Only upon killing Lisbeth in a rage over her good-nature does he start to reflect. Can the little glass man help him to retrieve his true heart?
根据德国著名的小说家和诗人威廉·豪夫(Wilhelm Hauff)的同名小说改编而成,一个贫穷的烧炭工人受金钱的诱惑,向凶恶的魔鬼出卖自己的心,换上了一颗石头心,从此变成了冷酷无情、损人利己的人。后来幸遇遇善良的小玻璃人,在小玻璃人的帮助下,重新取回了自己原来的那颗心,变成了一个爱劳动的人……