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07Mar2025 - 10:32 05 AM
Category :


ENG-M: The Bone Snatcher DVD
Code : 9555409603518
Price : MYR10.90 SGD5.18 USD4.25 RMB29.43 MYR8.72 / SGD4.14 / USD3.40 / RMB23.54
Weight :90 g
Staring :Scott Bairstow , Rachel Shelley , Warrick Grier , Patrick Shai , Andre Weideman , Adrienne Pierce , Patrick Lyster ,
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Dragon Jester Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

After three of its employees have been reported missing in the Southern African Namib desert, the Eland Mining exploration company mounts a search and rescue expedition, comprising more employees which team up with Dr. Zach Straker, who researches extreme survival systems. Amidst the moving sand dunes they find human bones with just some blood on it, and identify them to belong to two of the missing men; then these disappear again, and they observe a strange monster, which according to a native former herdsman is known by the local people as Esikhulu. It's able to (dis)appear, survive shotgun hits, fatally 'incorporate' human bodies -picking them off one by one- and make water turn acid.

Selepas 3 orang dilaporkan hilang diri di gurun Afrika Selatan, syarikat pencarian lombong Eland telah menubuhkan sebuah pasukan ekspedisi yang merangkumi lebih pekerja-pekerja dan dipimpin oleh Dr. Zach Strake. Dalam gumuk-gumuk yang bergerakan itu, mereka menjumpai tulang-tualng manusia yang ada tanda-tanda darah, dan mengenal pasti bahawa tulang-tulang tersebut ialah tulang kepada salah 2 pekerja yang telah hilang diri. Kemudian tulang-tulang itu hilang lagi. Mereka memerhatikan seekor raksasa yang pelik, merujuk kepada orang tempatan, raksasa itu dipanggil sebagai Esikhulu. Ia berkebolehan muncul dan hilang, tidak dapat ditembak oleh pistol, membunuh manusia seorang demi seorang dan boleh menukar air kepada asid.

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