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14Mar2025 - 12:56 36 PM
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HK-D: 刑事情报科 C.I.B. Files VCD
Code : T000048
Price : MYR110.00 SGD52.25 USD42.90 RMB297.00 MYR88.00 / SGD41.80 / USD34.32 / RMB237.60
Weight :250 g
Genre :Detective / Action , Modern , HK TVB ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :10
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :VCD ,

Brothers Chung Shun (Bowie Lam Bo Yee) and Chung Ching (Wong He) are both serving members of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (C.I.B.) of the Hong Kong Police Force. Shun is responsible for technical espionage like phone-tapping and eavesdropping and the recruitment of informants while Ching is to conduct intelligence analysis and assessment. C.I.B. works closely with various units in tackling organized crime syndicates and has made a quiet yet significant contribution to the Force. Serving as Intelligence Officers is absolutely challenging and has put Shun and Ching under great stress. Their love and family lives have also been affected in some way.
Shun and Ching Mei-Lai (Christine Ng Wing Mei) have been married for over then years but their relationship is no longer progressing as it should. Ching has rekindled his romance with Hui Sum-Yin (Maggie Shiu) after a string of break-ups and reconciliations. Yin is employed with the magazine for which Lai works. She puts her heart and soul into her job and never misses a chance to get the facts. LAI sees YIN, who is her subordinate, as a real threat to her own position. The two of them, though not openly, are in stiff competition with each other....

头脑同样冷静,作风同样谨慎,是亲兄弟,更是刑事情报真英雄!钟信(林保怡)和钟正(王喜)两兄弟均效力香港警队,隶属刑事情报科(CIB)内不同组别,信负责监听电话并联络和招募线人,正则负责分析情报。 CIB是警队中的无名英雄,工作性质高度敏感,压力亦非一般工作可比,信和正的家庭及感情生活亦因此而大受影响。信跟妻子程美丽(伍咏薇)十多年的婚姻早已淡然无味;正跟许心言(邵美琪)的关系又合又分。巧合的是,言加入了丽的杂志社,成为她的下属,言为了紧贴警方的大小案件而拚尽了命,丽虽不能跟她正面竞争,但二人的暗斗却无可避免…… ...

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