Price : | |
Weight : | 200 g |
Staring : | 草なぎ刚 , 草剪刚 , 小雪 , りょう(凉) , 东干 , 山口纱弭加 , 要润 , 浅野和之 , 大森南朋 , 田村たがめ , 美山加恋 , 大杉涟 , 小日向文世 , 长山蓝子 , |
Director : | Shin Hirano , |
Year : | 2004 |
Genre : | Family / Love / Relationship , Modern , TVB Series Offer , |
Subtitle : | Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay , |
Language : | Japanese , |
Video Format : | NTSC , |
Discs : | 3 |
Region Code : | ALL , |
Model : | DVD , |
Manufacturer : | Ember Power (M) Sdn Bhd , |
The hit drama "The Way I Live" aired from January 2003, and told the moving story of one man who tried to reshape his life after learning that he only had a year left to live.
A year later, a new heart-warming drama is about to begin. The theme of "The Way We Live" is the "bonds between people": the ties that cannot be broken or jeopardized.
Traditionally, the bonds of marriage and bonds between families were strong and secure. But in society today, the increasing number of divorces and cases of child abuse are testing these bonds.
The characters of "The Way We Live"Question themselves about the meaning of bonds, love, life, and happiness.
以工作為生活重心的小柳徹郎(草剪剛),一天家裡吃早餐時,突然聽到妻子可奈子(涼)提出離婚的請求,不以為意的他答應可奈子會早點回家談談,沒想到因為應酬爽約的他回到家時,卻發現可奈子已經離家出走了....只留下女兒凜(美山加戀)一人...不知如何照顧凜的徹郎覺得凜是個累贅,對疼愛凜的家庭教師 -北島由良(小雪)卻擺出一副只有他最了解凜的樣子。一天接到凜住院的消息,卻很晚趕來的他只好接受凜外婆的建議,讓凜跟外婆一起住。