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22Nov2024 - 08:43 36 AM
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ED:Siege of Changchun 围困 DVD
Code : eng0074
Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
Weight :200 g
Genre :Classic ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :

Beginning in May 23, 1948, the People's Liberation Army began to encircle the Nationalist defenders in Changchun while cutting off the air transportation and unfolded the siege that would last for 150 days. There were several engagements with reasonable size and ten other minor conflicts between these two sides during this both military encirclement and economical blockade. As the fuel and food storage goes down, many civilians began to starve to death. It finally ended when the People's Liberation Army entered Changchun after the Nationalist 60th Army and New 7th Army surrendered. The Siege of Changchun was part of the Liaoshen Campaign, and the fall of Changchun marked the end of the first stage in Liaoshen Campaign. 德国法西斯为了进一步扩大自己的战场。已经侵略到苏联边界上,这是一场残酷的战争。德国这次要彻底的征服苏联。几乎倾全国的兵力一举进攻。疯狂的向苏联扑了过来。苏联军队顽强抵抗,但兵力与装备的差距实在悬殊。眼看就要攻到列宁格勒。他们要如何在斯大林的领导下保卫列宁格勒,保卫自己的国土,一举击破德国的强大进攻最后取得胜利?1944年1月14日,苏军3个方面军向列宁格勒和诺夫哥罗德的德军发起大规模进攻,到1月27日,苏军向西和西南方向挺进 150至200公里,歼灭德军2个师,击溃23个师,收复红村、乌里茨克、普希金、诺夫哥罗德和卢加等城市,打通了列宁格勒通往莫斯科的十月铁路线,使列宁格勒从德军的长期围困中彻底解脱出来在。当天,英雄城市列宁格勒以20响礼炮欢庆他们的胜利。列宁格勒被围困时间长达900天,共有64.2万人饿死和冻死,2.1万人死于德军的空袭和炮击。

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