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05Feb2025 - 10:47 02 PM
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VCD They Kiss Again 恶作剧之吻 2 / 恶作剧2吻 Eps.1-20 End Taiwan Drama
Code : 9555186384884
Price : MYR99.90 SGD47.45 USD38.96 RMB269.73 MYR79.92 / SGD37.96 / USD31.17 / RMB215.78
Weight :350 g
Staring :郑元畅 , 林依晨 , 汪东城 , 瑞莎 , 唐禹哲 , 蔡颐榛 , 曾少宗 , 江佩珍 ,
Director :瞿友宁 ,
Year :2007
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC , PAL ,
Discs :12
Model :VCD ,
Manufacturer :Movie Master Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

Who ever said that life after marriage is perfect? Even after marriage, Xiang Qin and Zhi Shu experience problems and interferences within their marriage such as mistaken pregnancy and misunderstandings.However, Xiang Qin is not the only one having problems with her relationship. Her friend, Chun Mei gets pregnant with her boyfriend, Ah Bu. She doesn't know what to do and asks Xiang Qin to help her.In his medicine course, Zhi Shu meets a new rival who wishes to outdo him. Xiang Qin changes to a nursing course and makes four new friends. One of them, Qi Tai, likes her and wishes to replace Zhi Shu due to his coldness towards Xiang Qin.Several events will lead to Xiang Qin's breaking down to tears, such as Zhi Shu's coldness. But will all these events lead to the break down of their sturdy bond or further strengthen it? And how will their lives turn out to be?Also, there's another obstacle for Xiang Qin. Will she get her nurse license to be by Zhi Shu's side? Will she survive the nursing course?Only the couple can find the answers inside of themselves. 湘琴是一个单纯开朗的高中女学生,自从在开学典礼上看见代表新生致词的江直树后,便不由自主地喜欢上这个号称IQ 200的超级天才少年。号称全台湾第一的天才直树几乎没有任何事能难得倒他,所有事情总在他掌握之中,然而湘琴的出现就像一个失控的龙卷风,将他原有的生活搞得天翻地覆,但湘琴不顾一切、勇往直前的那股傻劲却也让他开始思考自己的人生与未来,而湘琴对他的感情也在不知不觉中慢慢地渗入他心中……在父母与好友的推波助澜,也在两人合力解决直树父亲的企业难题之后,直树终于接受湘琴,和她走入结婚的礼堂。而续集就从两人的婚后展开,我们看到了湘琴如何一点一滴学好为人妻的角色,也知道了爱情付出的真正意义,是将两人的爱结合,去帮助更多需要帮助的人……所以直树学医,湘琴想当护士……当然这过程有许多因为湘琴迷糊而产生的危机与趣味,然而最后我们也看到了直树如何保护自己最钟爱的妻子,两人也传出了即将有宝宝的喜讯。

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