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14Mar2025 - 05:27 24 AM
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EM: Notre Dame De Paris 巴黎圣母院 DVD
Code : 9787883062806
Price : MYR12.90 SGD6.13 USD5.03 RMB34.83 MYR10.32 / SGD4.90 / USD4.02 / RMB27.86
Weight :250 g
Staring :Gina Lollobrigida , Anthony Quinn , Jean Danet , Alain Cuny , Robert Hirsch ,
Director :Jean Delannoy ,
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Rungreang Entertainment ,

Strangely, there has never been a bad film of Victor Hugo's classic tale, and while this is indeed less successful than Laughton, Chaney or Disney's versions, this French effort is still a surprisingly good and much under-rated film. To get the most out of it, you have to bear in mind that Hugo did not write a horror story but a tale of unrequited love and anguish. There is little of the Gothic on show here; rather, everyone is trapped by a desire for what they are denied. This is much more 'Notre Dame de Paris' (the novel's actual title) than 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame': Quasimodo probably gets less screen time here than in any of the other films, only dominating the drama in the last third. Instead, as with Hugo, it uses the cathedral of Notre Dame as the thread that binds all social stratas - Kings and beggars, thieves and soldiers, gypsies and alchemists, playwrights and aristocrats - giving a vivid portrait of a time and place half imagined, half real. 长篇小说《巴黎圣母院》的作者维克多·雨果(1802-1885)是19世纪法国著名的诗人、小说家、文学评论家和政论家,也是诗歌的革新者、浪漫派戏剧的创建者,法国人民最喜爱的作家之一。雨果一生著作甚多,遍及文学的各种体裁,包括诗歌、戏剧、小说、文艺理论、政论等,整个作品充满人道主义激情。   小说《巴黎圣母院》艺术地再现了四百多年前法王路易十一统治时期的历史真实,宫廷与教会如何狼狈为奸压迫人民群众,人民群众怎样同两股势力英勇斗争。小说中的反叛者吉卜赛女郎爱斯梅拉达和面容丑陋的残疾人加西莫多是作为真正的美的化身展现在读者面前的,而人们在副主教富洛娄和贵族军人弗比思身上看到的则是残酷、空虚的心灵和罪恶的情欲。作者将可歌可泣的故事和生动丰富的戏剧性场面有机地连缀起来,使这部小说具有很强的可读性。小说浪漫主义色彩浓烈,且运用了对比的写作手法,它是运用浪漫主义对照原则的艺术范本。小说的发表,使雨果的名声更加远扬。

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