EM:David And Bathsheba 霸王夺姬 DVD
Code : 987885726751
King David (Gregory Peck) falls in love with Bathsheba (Susan Hayward), the wife of one of his soldiers, Uriah (Kieron Moore) and carries on with her in secret, abetted by his personal assistant Abishai (James Robertson Justice). When Bathsheba becomes 'with child' and her husband has been nowhere near her, David fears that she will be stoned as an adulteress, a common occurrence in the city. He conspires to have Uriah killed in battle. The prophet Nathan (Raymond Massey) brings the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem but leaves it at the city gate because he is convinced that some unforgivable 'sin' from within the walls is responsible for a crippling drought. He soon realizes that the sin lies with David himself. 三千年前大卫王攻打阿摩尼亚人之瑞柏城救了百夫长乌利亚,但亦受伤回耶路撒冷修养,先知雷森请求将沦落非利士人手中的约柜运回,但皇后发克认为大卫王的威望不及他父亲——酥尔王令其有悦。大卫王偶见乌利亚的妻子——拔示巴为美色所迷进而通奸,约柜进城发生意外,接着旱灾、饥荒接踵而至,拔示巴又怀孕了,于是大卫王将乌利亚调至最前线,终至战死,再立拔示巴为后,不久孩子夭折。雷森又带领群众由原发克指证通奸的罪名,大卫王终于相信天降大难是处罚他们的罪恶,于是坦承错误并接受处罚。向约柜祷告忏悔请求赐死,约柜忽然发出夺目光彩,接着大雨倾盆而下,解决了旱灾,大卫王又重回上帝的怀抱……