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05Feb2025 - 11:49 10 PM
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EM: The student Princess 学生王子 DVD
Code : 987885727499
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :150 g
Staring :Ann Blyth 约翰·威廉姆斯 John Williams Roger Allen 理查德·安德森 Richard Anderson 路易斯·卡尔亨 Louis Calhern Charles Davis James Dobson John Ericson ,
Director :理查德托普 , Richard Thorpe Curtis Bernhardt ,
Genre :Ancient Period , Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Rungreang Entertainment ,

A young Prince, Karl, from a small sub-kingdom of the German Empire near the turn of the 20th century is sent off to get a university education in Heidelberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg. His grandfather was one of a handful of petty kings within German and Austrian central Europe. Fictional Karlsburg was small but very proud of their nationhood and traditions.

Karl has been raised most of his life for the military, but when it comes time for him to marry, the princess picked for him can't stand his stiff formality. This would not be such a problem but for the fact that Karlsburg has no money, only good blood. His tutor recommends that he be sent to University to learn "charm" and essentially develop some social skills. He (eventually) slips into the social mix, becomes accepted as a "good chap" by his student peers, and falls deeply in love with a pretty, popular, and musically inclined barmaid, who holds "court" in the local biergarten. Love notwithstanding, when his old grandfather passes on unexpectedly, the young Prince must turn his back on the girl, and take his place in the small Kingdom that he's been preordained to rule. He returns for one more visit to Heidelberg, and bids Kathie a poignant farewell. 理查德.托比导演的老派爱情故事,埃德蒙.珀道姆饰演欧洲的王子,离开皇宫到美国上大学,初尝自由滋味,同时爱上了活泼的美国酒吧女安.布莱思,但不久之后他就被召回国继承王位,只好无奈离去。数年后,他重回旧地企图找寻昔日的梦中人,但已人事全非。本片拍摄水准只是一般而已,值得欣赏的是幕后代唱多首插曲的五十年代歌王马里奥兰沙,他的歌声兼具雄浑与柔情,是当年最受欢迎的男高音。纽西兰电影《梦幻天堂》中两个女主角迷得要死的歌王就是他,你不妨也来听听看。

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