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05Feb2025 - 11:51 18 PM
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EM: Fort Apache DVD
Code : 9787885724207
Price : MYR12.90 SGD6.13 USD5.03 RMB34.83 MYR10.32 / SGD4.90 / USD4.02 / RMB27.86
Weight :250 g
Staring :亨利方达 , 约翰韦恩 ,
Genre :Ancient Period , Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Rungreang Entertainment ,

John Ford's 1948 classic stars John Wayne as a Cavalry officer used to doing things a certain way out West at Fort Apache. Along comes a rigid, new commanding officer (Henry Fonda) who insists that everything on his watch be done by the book, including dealings with local Indians. The results are mixed: grater discipline at the fort, but increased hostilities with the natives. Ford deliberately leaves judgments about the wisdom of these changes ambiguous, but he also allows plenty of room in this wonderful film for the fullness of life among the soldiers and their families - community rituals, new romances - to blossom. Fonda, in an unusual role for him, is stern and formal as the new man in charge; Wayne is heroic as the rebellious second; Victor McLaglen provides comic relief; and Ward Bond is a paragon of sturdy and sentimental masculinity. All of this is set against the magnificent, poetic topography of Monument Valley. 欧文索帝斯是南北战争的名将,被派谪至阿帕契堡垒当指挥官,为了恢复往日的荣耀,将责任压到每个骑兵的身上,引起官兵厌恶,而同来的女儿费拉却很快赢得了官兵女眷的友谊。费拉与奥洛克中尉发生恋情,欧文以家世无法匹配反对,后边过境发生印地安人屠杀巡逻骑兵事件,欧文派约克上尉去墨西歌请印地安人回保留地,约克圆满达成,欧文却要谋略骗科厅斯,想将印地安人赶出保留地,双方谈判,众首长要求将败类米强逐出保留地,欧文要求无条件回保留地。谈判破裂,欧文下令攻击,约克反对被调为补给队,一场战役下来,兵败如山倒,欧文与骑兵队同一战死,终于保住了骑兵队的荣誉

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