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14Mar2025 - 02:56 55 PM
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DVD Sassy Girl Chun-Hyang 豪杰春香 Korean Drama (Eng Sub)
Code : W000059
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :250 g
Staring :韩彩英 , 在熙 , 严泰雄 , 朴诗恩 ,
Director :全基尚 ,
Year :2005
Genre :Ancient Period , Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Producer :KOREA KBS ,

Delightful Girl Chun Hyang is the 2005 interpretation of the Legend of Chun-hyang. The story begins when Lee Mong-ryong, son of a famous chief of police, is transferred from Seoul to a high school in Namwon, North Jeolla Province, because he is a trouble maker. He accidentally bumps into Chun-hyang, shoots embarrassing photos of her and ends up swapping her cell phone with his. As a result, they are constantly in touch with each other and find out they attend the same school. Mong-ryong constantly bullies Chun-hyang and thanks to him, she becomes slightly sick. Feeling guilty, he visits her, only to mistakenly drink a whole bottle of wine, assuming it is juice. He immediately falls asleep on the only bed in the house, which consequently is the one Chun-Hyang is sleeping in. Thus, they spend the night with each other. Nothing sexually occurs, but thanks to their best friends, who know what happened and accidentally announce it on the school intercom, they are forced to marry each other in order to save their families' reputation, seeing as everyone at school assumes they have slept together. They eventually fall in love with each other, but Mong-Ryong's previous crush, Hong Chae-Rin, after rejecting him, then discovering his marriage, becomes jealous and tries to win him back. There is also the problem of Byun Hak-Do, an extremely successful talent agency director who falls in love with Chun-Hyang.

n order to help him get to college, Chun-Hyang helps him to his study so that he could be with Chae-Rin at Han-gook University, the most prestigious university in Korea. They are both accepted, but as she is unable to pay the tuition, she does not attend and tells her family-in-law she will meet them in Seoul, not revealing that her mother is actually on the run. When Mong-Ryong finally does find Chun-Hyang, he tries again and again to reveal his feelings for her, while unearthing her feelings for him by moving into her new location. When he finally confesses outright, she denies him, claiming she never loved him, because of Chae-Rin's harsh statement that Mong-Ryong was merely pitying her and wished only to pay her back.

When the two finally do confess to each other, there is still one more problem. Byun Hak-Do, being rich, handsome and successful, assumes he could have any woman in the world, but when Chun-Hyang rejects him, he attempts to take her by blackmail. Several days before the real wedding between Mong-Ryong and Chun-Hyang, Mong-Ryong witnesses a woman being assaulted and attempts to save her. It turns out to be a plot, and so Mong-Ryong is now a criminal on the run. Byun Hak-Do carries an edited video of the security camera, putting Mong-Ryong in a bad light, and threatens Chun-Hyang that unless she goes to him, he will expose the video to the world. Chun-Hyang agrees and so Mong-Ryong is freed, but now, Chun-Hyang pretends to want to divorce him immediately to keep her end of the bargain. When the divorce is complete, she goes to Mr. Byun and the two of them prepare to travel to Japan, but at the last minute, she runs off and hides from both Mr. Byun and Mong-Ryong.

Several years pass and Mong-Ryong is now a famous prosecutor, the District Attorney of Seoul. Chun-Hyang has snuck off to Busan and now owns an accesories factory. Mr. Byun has just returned from Japan and people assume that his "fiancee" is still there as well. At the wedding of Mong-Ryong's and Chun-Hyang's two best friends,Bang Ji-hyuk and Han Dan-hee, Chun-Hyang sneaks in to drop off a present, and as she leaves, Mr. Byun sees her. In a rush to leave, she accidentally scrapes the car next to her, which is consequently Mong-Ryong's car. The two start a heated argument through Chun-Hyang's assistant, Kim Dong-Su, who goes to pay Mong-Ryong the money they owe for his car. Several crooks who follow assume Kim Dong-Su to be an informant and kidnap him. When the police rescue him, they discover the wedding picture from high school between Mong-Ryong and Chun-Hyang and show it to Mong-Ryong. When he sees it, he uses it to find Chun-Hyang again, but she still acts unhappy to see him, still frightened from knowing what Byun Hak-do has.

Finally, Byun Hak-do realizes that there are just some things in the world that he can't have, and finally releases the full unedited version of the tape so that everyone can see Mong-Ryong's true intentions.
To add to the happily ever after, Mong-Ryong re-proposes to Chun-Hyang and the two are married again. 警察局所长儿子李梦龙从汉城转学到全罗北道南原的某高中,刚来到学校就和全校第一名成春香因为误会成了一对“欢喜冤家”。一次,梦龙误把泡酒当饮料喝,阴错阳差地和正在生病的春香睡在了一个被窝,刚巧被下班回家的春香母和找儿子的梦龙父母撞见。不料,这件事被春香的好朋友丹姬和志旭无疑中泄漏,成了全校皆知的“秘密”,为了不被学校开除,两人不得以订下婚约。春香也因此搬到梦龙家住,帮他补习功课,并逐渐喜欢上这个四肢发达头脑简单但却心地善良的小帅哥。李梦龙在春香的帮助下顺利考上全国重点大学汉城大学,春香却因为没有钱交学费与汉大失之交臂。在汉城,梦龙遇到了初恋情人彩琳,心中又泛起了涟漪,却看不到春香对他的一片痴心。善良的春香只有默默“放纵”自己的老公与别的女人谈恋爱,把眼泪往肚里咽。与此同时,春香认识了一家著名艺人经理公司的社长卞学道。从看到春香的第一眼起,他便喜欢上了这个与众不同的高中女生,但是因为春香心里已经有别人,无论卞学道如何努力,春香心中都只有感激没有爱情。这大大伤了卞学道的自尊心,他决心不顾一切让春香回心转意,甚至是不择手段。看到春香和卞学道频繁的接触,梦龙心中不是滋味,这时的他才明白原来自己深爱的人不是别人正是天天和自己朝夕相处的春香……

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