In Iryu 2, Asada Ryutaro wages a new battle against the realities of Japan's medical care system. The government has drafted legislation to tackle the recent inflation of medical fees; hospitals have entered an era in which they will go bankrupt if they aren't independently run. At the same time, hospital mergers and takeovers are also taking place. Additionally, the obstetrics and pediatrics departments are being closed in succession, and there are inadequate doctors in the region - issues that are closely related to these hospital management problems. Now, hospitals, like the average corporation, face collapse if they are not profitable.. 剧中依然可见小池彻平、北村一辉等熟悉的面孔、本次更请到了内田有纪饰演医疗记者一角。阪口诠释的天才外科医精湛医术再现荧屏。前作中描写了这个在难民营大显身手、后被大学医院相中的天才心脏外科医--朝田龙太郎(阪口)不畏大学医院权威主义、带领医龙小队救死扶伤的感人故事。此次续作仍然起用阪口、小池、北村、阿部隆史等原班人马。