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27Dec2024 - 06:57 25 AM
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JD:PSYCHO DOCTOR 心理医生 DVD (Offer Japanese Drama)
Code : 9555369501541
Price : MYR42.90 SGD20.38 USD16.73 RMB115.83 MYR34.32 / SGD16.30 / USD13.38 / RMB92.66
Weight :200 g
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern , TVB Series Offer ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :3
Model :DVD ,

Are you afraid of heights? Why? Is it just acrophobia? Or, perhaps as a very young child you witnessed the murder of your father as he was pushed off the veranda of your apartment building and now have a deathly fear of going up to the 20th floor of any building! Psychoanalyst and counselor Kyosuke Kai (Yutaka Takenouchi), a bit quirky with compulsions of his own, ends up finding out more than just the standard medical reasons for his patient's emotional problems. So, rather than just practice counseling Dr. Kai becomes in effect a detective as well. Join Dr. Kai and examine his case files to learn more about his patients and what makes them tick...or crack 在东京新桥某处老旧公寓里有一家精神科诊所,诊所的负责人是一个坚持不穿医生外套不让病人感到有负担的年轻心理医生恭介(竹野内丰)一天诊所来了一位求职不顺的年轻女孩浅井智子(柴崎幸)智子患有严重惧高症,之前面试之所以受挫就是因为在高楼接受面试导致智子情绪失控所致。恭介一心想要帮助智子,但暗恋恭介的女医生三七子(羽田美智子)却担心恭介的治疗方式无法达到收支平衡。

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