James O'Neil is a 28 year old man who was adopted by people overseas when he was young. He is the CEO of a large supermarket and is the typical man with cool charm and deals with things in a cool and collected manner. Lee Jin Hee is 32 years old and ...
Kim Ho Jin will play Heo Myung Pil, an elite newspaper reporter but an immature and irresponsible husband Kang Seong Yeon will play Gyung Gook Hee a bright and valiant wife. 32岁的景国姬是一名一边在超市工作、一边照顾家庭的主妇,与丈夫许明弼在大学时...
There's the first royal prince, the son of a millionaire who knows nothing but money and thinks the world revolves around him. The second royal prince is Mr. Perfect who only cares and goes after his success and accomplishment. And between these two ...