This drama is set in the streets of Shinjuku, where heinous crimes occur frequently. Shinjuku station, with its 700,000 over commuters; West Shinjuku that house all the Government buildings; the top shopping district in Japan; Kabukicho; all of these...
If you could start your life again, what kind of adult would you like to be...? Kogure Teppei is a police officer who is working in the community safety section of a local police station. Teppei's dream was becoming a detective of an investigation di...
Sakurai (Inagaki Goro) is a section chief in an insurance company who is well-known for his tremendous ability to suck up to his bosses, sometimes to the embarrassment of his girlfriend and OL co-worker Naomi (Yada Akiko). Just when Sakurai thought h...
Shogo is a divorced man with one daughter. In his younger days, he was briefly in a band but it quickly broke up, and he took on a job at a record company. At the age of 60, he falls in love with the 35-year-old Kaede, but her career and values are v...
The show is described as a home comedy depicting the problems faced by a modern family. Takahashi plays a third-rate magazine writer. As an irresponsible father, his reliable wife has always been in charge of the household and their three children. U...