Adapted from the book of the same title, this drama is based on an internet incident from 2004. A man (played by Yusuke Santamaria) has married the seemingly ideal wife (played by Yuriko Ishida). But one day, he happens to see a message on his wife's...
Forced out of his research group after conflicts with his colleagues, Ogawa Takanobu takes up an offer to teach at a girls' high school in Nara. When taking roll call on the first day one of his students, Hotta Ito, sneaks into class late, claiming a...
Talented but eccentric sommelier Inagaki acts as a sommelier even in the streets, trying to relax people with his bizarre and unique ways. 葡萄酒专家佐竹城(稻垣吾郎),幼时父母离婚,他跟随母亲在葡萄酒的故乡法国长大,养成了极好的品酒才能。长大成人后�...
Sosuke Nakata (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi), is just your everyday salaried worker. There is really nothing special that stands out about Nakata. He is a serious guy, whose life mostly consists of going back and forth to the office each day.Suddenly one day th...