Adapted from a Republican-era novel called "The Fate of Jinxiu", Cruel Romance tells the story of Rong Jinxiu (Chen Qiao En, a country girl who travels to Shanghai in order to discover why her entire family was killed. Along the way, she meets tria...
Song Rui En had always believed that she would marry Li Min Shuo one day, once he stopped seeing her as a little sister. But that belief changed after she met Liang Jing Hao, a wisecracking guy who turned her world upside down. She was a girl from a ...
Tong Jia Di (Rainie Yang) is a college student whose family has struggled to pay back their debts ever since her father died. Her best friend Xiao Nan (Chen Yen-xi) decides it's time for Jia Di to fall in love, and begins to try to set Jia Di up. Fir...