After the Gingaman defeated the Space Pirate Barban, peace returned to the Earth once again. Gingaman who had been returned to the space is backs to the Earth, and faces their new enemy, Captain Gregory and his majin, Ghelmadix. While Gingman is trap...
Long ago, the Gurongi Tribe terrorized the Linto (リント, Rinto?) until a warrior named Kuuga appeared and defeated the Gurongi, sealing their leader within a cave. In present day, a multi-talented man named Yusuke Godai finds himself linked to the m...
College student Takeshi Hongo is abducted into terrorist organisation Shocker (Sacred Hegemony Of Cycle Kindred Evolutional Realm), at the hands of a cyborg Inhumanoid (Kaijin) known as the Bat. There, he undergoes painful reconstructive surgery, tur...