Based on a story by Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls follows expatriate American demolition expert Robert Jordan, who aides anti-fascist freedom fighters of Spain. Assisting him is a band of warriors including the strong-willed Pilar, the d...
Since the time of Sir Francis Drake, English lads have come to Brookfield School as frightened boys...and emerged years later as able young men ready to shoulder the burdens of Empire. The best of England is the Brookfield tradition - a tradition emb...
Arts patron Mrs. Claypool intends to pay pompous opera star Lassparri $1,000 per performance. Hey, maybe that's why they call it grand opera! Grand comedy, too, as Groucho, Chico and Harpo cram a ship's stateroom and more than wall-to-wall gags, one-...