Two teenagers, Hiroki (Masaki Okada) and Riku (Kie Kitano), are walking along a beach in Shonan when they encounter an old woman who is screaming. Her two grandchildren have wandered into the surf. Hiroki rushes in to save them, but it isn't neces...
Takeshi Kamiya's (Masaki Okada) father Tsukasa (Takeshi Kaga) is a doctor at a major hospital. Takeshi also wants to become a doctor, but he keeps failing his medical school entrance exams. Takeshi becomes frustrated and leaves home. He begins to wor...
Suzuki (Hiroshi Mikami) is an eccentric at university hospital who has been conducting a research to come up with a miracle drug for cancer on his own. One day, Suzuki finally succeeds in developing a new type of anticancer drug that completely hinde...