In the Continent, a tournament called the Queen's Blade is held once every four years to determine the most beautiful and powerful Queen. Held in Gainos (ガイノス Gainosu?, also Gynos), the Queen's Capital, various fighters from all over th...
Garo focuses on the life of Kouga Saejima, who has assumed the title of Makai Knight to protect humanity against dark demonic manifestations called "Horrors". In his quest to purge them, he encounters a young girl named Kaoru whom he saves from ...
Professor Daidōji (大道寺博士 Daidōji Hakase?) - A scientist who has developed a gravity machine called the GX Device. Unfortunately, Shocker wants it; so they attack the professor and destroy his laboratory, but come ...
The film opens up with a red orb of energy chasing after a blue orb of energy throughout space. Upon landing on a desert-like moon, the blue orb reveals itself to be the monster, Bemular. The red orb reveals itself to beUltraman Mebius and ...