6 Romantic Love Stories…. “ A ball floats from the river’s source to the sea, unlocking the portrayal of six love stories across the four seasons of the year.” In a small village the scenery is unrivalled. Koichi and his goo...
Ryoma Echizen, a tennis prodigy, attends Seishun Academy Middle School (Seishun Gakuen), or Seigaku in short, a school famous for its strong tennis club and talented players. Ryoma quickly defeats numerous upperclassmen shortly after entrance to secu...
On April 5, 2007, Fuji Television aired a three hour special of the series set half a year after Aya's death and focuses on Haruto Asō, who has now become a doctor at the same hospital Aya was treated in and Ako Ikeuchi, Aya's younger sister who is ...
Focuses on two brothers who lost their parents when they were younger. The older brother works exhaustngly hard to earn enough money to send his younger brother to college. One day the older brother breaks into a house to get money for tuition and he...
A major Sci-Fi adventure film that features Takashima Masanobu of "Godzilla vs. Mecha-Gozilla," is the story of an anceint Japanese legend "Yamatotakeru no Mikoto." The hero of the Yamato country, Yamato Takeru must destroy the resurrected devil, Tsu...
Notebooks that foretell deaths, numerous urban legends, and murders with no clues... a series of strange incidents occur, and people are lead into a deep labyrinth of mysteries. Five fledgling teen detectives of the Dan Detective Academy, which was f...
Based on a true story This story is about a girl named Aya who suffered from an incurable disease, but lived life to the fullest until her death at 25. The original story is based on the diary Aya kept writing until she could no longer hold a pen. Th...
The Earth runs a great danger. Following a missed experiment, humanity is contaminated, and certain human beings start to transform themselves into monstrous creatures by developing superhuman capacities. In full war of the clans, Devilman makes then...
Kanzaki Kenji is one half of a comedian pair that hasn't had any success for a long time. Kanzaki's wife, Taeko, owns a baby clothes shop. The couple had a child who died at a very young age. Husband and wife seem to live separate lives and both are ...
Region Code: All
Picture Format: NTSC
译 名: 妖怪大战争
片 名: The Big Spook War
类 别: 冒险/喜剧/家庭/幻想
After her abusive husband is murdered, Kayo finds herself tangled in a web of deceit and betrayal. Region Code: All
Picture Format: NTSC
英文名称:Tengoku no eki heaven station
别名:开往天国的列车,Station to Heaven
atsuya and Kazuya the twin brothers, have a mutual girl friend, Minami, who has been their playmate since they were babies. After they enter the same high school, Minami harbors a dream: To participate in the national high school baseball championshi...
Set a year after the original, One Missed Call 2 introduces us to Kyoko and her friend Madoka. Both women are teaching assistants at a kindergarten in the middle of Tokyo and when the pair aren't working, they seem to spend a lot of time in a Chinese...