Back in the 1980s, the success of the series Mobile Suit Gundam, resulted in an economic boom due to sales of the Gundam model kits, or "Gunpla" (ガンプラ, Ganpura?), dubbed the Gunpla Boom. Years later, with the success of the second Gunpla Boom, sp...
The story centers on demon Ogre Hōzuki who works with King Yama, the god of death, and other demons in the Japanese hell. The serious-minded Hōzuki attempts to manage and troubleshoot unusual problems which occur there.
Hiyori Iki was a regular middle school student until she was hit by a bus while trying to save the life of a jersey-wearing person named Yato. This incident causes her to transform into a half-phantom. Soon after she learns that Yato is a god, her li...
Yugo Hachiken decided to escape from the stressful school and home environment in the city by enrolling at Oezo Agricultural High School . Unlike his peers who'll eventually embark upon an agricultural career , he decides to study there only because ...
The story is set in the not-so-distant future. Five "Black Points" suddenly appeared around the world as portals to parallel worlds. Immediately after, strange creatures began their invasion from these portals. These creatures are the inhabitants o...
Due to various events, Yuuta and Rikka are living together. This secret co-habitation is so exciting for the two lovebirds! Or so it should be...Is having a chuuni girlfriend too high of a hurdle for Yuuta, who never even went out with a normal gir...
Super Sonico is an 18-year-old college student who plays guitar for the three-girl band Fastest Speed in Space and models for pin-ups. In spite of her busy schedule, she still finds time to her grandmother at her restaurant. One night, her band membe...
Junior High student Jimon Asuta is in a fix . He had a big fight with his dad and was kicked out of the house . With no money and no place to live he shares the last of the food with an unusual little girl he encounters . It turns out she is Venera t...
The story is set in the near future when GunPla Battles, competitions that pit Gundam plastic models against each other, have become popular worldwide in the "Second GunPla Boom." Sei Iori, a first-year middle-school student and the only son of a m...
Green Leaves Entertainment is a tiny production company on the verge of going out of business in Sendai, the biggest city in Japan's northeastern Tohoku region. The agency once managed the careers of magicians, photo idols, fortune-tellers, a...
Life for former United Nations investigator Gerry Lane and his family seems content. Suddenly, the world is plagued by a mysterious infection turning whole human populations into rampaging mindless zombies. After barely escaping the chaos, Lane is pe...
Yugo Hachiken decided to escape from the stressful school and home environment in the city by enrolling at Oezo Agricultural High School . Unlike his peers who'll eventually embark upon an agricultural career , he decides to study there only because ...