The story begins when high school student Shu Ouma encounters a wounded girl named Inori Yuzuriha, the vocalist of a popular internet group Egoist, taking refuge at his film club's workshop. The GHQ Anti Bodies storm the workshop and arrest her fo...
Left to the naive but good-hearted high school girl Cha Young-mi's own devices after the tragic loss of her parents, Young-mi is determined to overcome whatever hardships the future may bring in order to complete her education. Through the help of an...
High school student and veteran detective Hajime Kindaichi accompanied his classmate and childhood friend Miyuki Nanase to Hong Kong, where she was invited to appear as an emergency lookalike double for famous model Yan Ran. A freeloading trip sudden...
The story follows Yugi Moto, a boy who managed to complete an ancient Egyptian artifact known as the Millenium Puzzle, which led to him to inherit another spirit known only as Yami Yugi. After defeating his rival, Seto Kaiba, in a game of Duel Monste...
In the magical world of Jewel Land, three magicians turned the Jewelpets into Jewel Charms so they can rest calmly in the Dream Forest while cleaning the town, with the exception of Ruby, a white rabbit who likes to goof off. But during ...
Fairyland is in trouble. Its princesses and their respective worlds are disappearing, causing a ripple effect on Earth where their stories are popular. In order to save Fairyland, the Queen sends three "Ma(gic)-Pets", Sei, Dai, and Ryoku, to Earth...
Miki Koishikawa's ordinary life as a high school sophomore is turned upside down when her parents suddenly announce that they are getting divorced in order to swap partners with a couple they met in Hawaii. They seek her approval of the shocking chan...
Hidden within Kyoto is the "mirror capital" where youkai and humans live together and no one ever dies .It is protected by three people-Kurama . Yase,and Myoue-as they await the return of their parents,Myoue Jonin and Koto . One day a young girl name...
Tsuchimikado Harutora was born into the prestigious Onmyoji family, but can't see "spirit energy". Therefore, he's been enjoying a peaceful daily life with his friends at the Onmyo branch school. One day, his childhood friend Tsuchimikado Natsume, he...
After the death of Mao's mother, Pai, who was called the 'Fairy of Cuisine', Mao becomes a Super Chef in order to take the title as Master Chef of his mother's restaurant. However, before he takes his mother's place as Master Chef, he continues t...