Most episodes are self-contained short stories in which the series narrates the suffering of a different individual caused by one or more antagonists. A website known as Jigoku Tsūshin (Hell Correspondence) may only be accessed at midnigh...
This tanpatsu celebrates the tenth year of this popular Japanese anime, originally a manga created by Aoyama Gosho. The story takes place when Shinichi was still a high school student. The talented young detective Kudo Shinichi receives a message: "I...
In a crime ridden future, the streets of Tokyo are patrolled by RAPT, the organization responsible for maintaining peace and order. In this bleak world the citizenry are legally allowed to carry and wield firearms - but so are the crimina...
Kasumi Kogen, which translates to "The Village of Mist", is a town somewhere in rural Japan. In this town there is a school, the Shinobi Gakuen, where competent female students gather from all over Japan and train to become kunoichi (female ninja). T...
The Yokai world exist beyond human knowledge. There, Kitaro lives peacefully with his father Daddy Eyeball and his friends Cat-girl, Old Crybaby and Sand Witch. One day, he receives a letter in the Yokai mailbox. A grade school boy, Kenta Miura,had w...
In iberia, the music and dances are performed against a minimalist background and are introduced by only the names of the pieces and the performers. The numbers flow into one another seamlessly, as if following their own internal logic and the simpli...
Kamen Rider Kabuto revolves around the story of a man named Tendou Souji. He has trained seven years while waiting for the Kabuto Zecter so that he may properly take up the name of Kamen Rider Kabuto. Making many enemies while at the same time meeti...
The story focuses on Kenichi Shirahama, an average 15-year-old weakling, whose life is upended with the appearance of the naive, beautiful, and strong transfer student, Miu Fūrinji. After Kenichi witnesses Miu's skills in martial arts, he joins the ...
After an advanced race, the Golden Race, left to explore other reaches of space, the human race became threatened with extinction. Since the Golden Race left, the Silver Race has long since been the most dominant race, calling themselves the Golden R...
The first half of the story takes place at a high school in Japan, which is the best school in the city where the story takes place. This high school is largely modeled after the University of Tsukuba-affiliated junior-high and high school Komaba in ...
The manga tells the story of a Toraji Ishida, a luckless high school teacher and Kendo instructor whose life seems to finally take a turn for the better when his former upperclassman offers him a bet on the result of a competition between the fem...
Candy ♥ Candyandy Candy is primarily a love story. Candy's first love was a character named Anthony Brown, but the series is remembered by the majority of fans as a result of her heartbreaking separation from her true love and soul...
This story follows the adventures of Takashi and Itou. At first they are enemies but soon become friends. They are may seem like normal students, but really aren't all that normal. They are the two known trouble makers. They get into many fights with...
Tang Chia is considered one of the greatest kung-fu choreographers ever, but he only directed three movies of his own. This, his last, is not only his greatest but one of the greatest ever, as the leader of the Ten Kwangtung Tigers falls victim to dr...
1.My blade,as my pride
Tattoos on the sky
Memories in the rain
Rasa Bulicundior,Lilio Candidior
Standing to defend you
Aesthetics and identity
lions never surrender
Yuan is a poor and quiet girl from Taiwan who got married and settled down in Hong Kong. However, her marriage was over and she is separated from her husband Bing. One day, Bing goes missing and the police looks for Yuan to record statement. Ye is a ...
Yuan is a poor and quiet girl from Taiwan who got married and settled down in Hong Kong. However, her marriage was over and she is separated from her husband Bing. One day, Bing goes missing and the police looks for Yuan to record statement. Ye is a ...
Threatened by a deadly disease, Yussef, a blinb Iranian university professor goes to Paris for treatment. Before his departure, he made a pledge to God,asking that his life be spared. During this trip, Yussef experiences a life-changing event, Back h...
Threatened by a deadly disease, Yussef, a blinb Iranian university professor goes to Paris for treatment. Before his departure, he made a pledge to God,asking that his life be spared. During this trip, Yussef experiences a life-changing event, Back h...
Samurai 7 tells the story of a rice village, Kanna. Every year during the harvest a group of bandits come and steal away almost all of the rice that had been harvested that year. Not only that, the bandits are becoming more demanding, now taking wome...
Samurai 7 tells the story of a rice village, Kanna. Every year during the harvest a group of bandits come and steal away almost all of the rice that had been harvested that year. Not only that, the bandits are becoming more demanding, now taking wome...
Two young high school boys, Takeru and Ryo, are struggling through teenage angst when a mysterious light in the woods offers forth a young girl practically out of Takeru's dreams. They are promptly attacked by a strange alien-looking monster, whi...
The Fuwa (formerly Friendlies,[1] Chinese: 福娃; pinyin: Fúwá; literally "Good-luck dolls") are the mascots of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. They were designed by Han Meilin[2] and announced by the National Society of ...
Bartender follows the nightlife of Ryū Sasakura, a talented bartending prodigy who is said to mix the best cocktails anyone has ever tasted. Sasakura bides his time in a bar named Eden Hall, hidden in a nook of the Ginza district in downtown Tokyo...
Yuri Shibuya was living a pretty normal life. That changed the day he was drunked into a toilet after an attempt to save a classmate from a gang of bullies. Instead of just getting a good soaking, he's pulled in. The next thing he knows, he's in a wo...
Sola's story revolves around Yorito Morimiya, the main protagonist, who is a young boy attending high school. He loves taking pictures of the sky at any time of day and any time of the year. One day, Yorito decides to take a picture of the sunrise ...
The series focuses on the lives of some students and teachers at Nadesico Academy both at school and their private lives. The main character of the series is Kamikura Hiroki, who lives with his younger cousin Elis. Hiroki is training to become a full...
Zaizen Jotaro who was supposed to be dead three years ago according to CIA inteliggence, a hero of justice. Fughts Government corruption with the gelp of Zainers gold black card which gives unlimited funds,connections that can call on SWAT when need...
TEknik jinggig semakin "panas" di bawakan satu revolusi baru dalam teknologi pembuatan joran jingging seperti JINGWEREX yang telah mendapat sambutan hangat di pasaran Asia Tenggara.....
Biarpun dasar kerajaan junta tentera Myanmar sering dikutuk negara-negara asing,namun ia telah mempamirkan kepintarannya dalam bidang pentadbiran perikanannya......
Peacock Bass yang bijaksana selalu merunsingkan kepala para pemancing lerana ia cepat belajar taktik pemancing untuk memburunya..namun setslah gewang permukaan,mereka seakan lenbali menjadi bodoh pula....
Pertempuran pertama di Wreck Reef, Australia menyaksikan pemancingan dari Malaysia maisng-masing putus tali apabila diserang ikan monster.....setelah puas berisitrehat,misi diteruskan dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan akhirnya aya budak mega tertumpas ju...
Di antara spesis-spesis yang disukai ramai pemancing,tenggiri yang menayangkan daya juang yang berkua,iti serta isinya yang sedap tetap menjadi pilihan utama.....
Perairan Taiwan terkenal dengan aya budak dan aji-aji besar sehingga mwnarik perhatian ramai penggemar jingging di rantau asia. Namun untuk menduga monster Taiwan, gelombang beasr dan arus kencang harus ditangani dahulu.....
Ikutilah kisah mendebarkan apabila krew "Ikan Terhandal Malaysia" memancing di perairan Pulau Bali yang menjadi destinasi pelancongan terkemuka sedunia,.....
Ia berbaju dengan gigi depan menonjol ke luar mulut, kelihatan comel dan cantik. Namun apabila ia menelan umpan anda, bukan sahaja joran keras anda akan dipatahkannya .....
Sungai Pahang yang merupakan sungai yang terbesar di Semenanjung Malaysia kelihatan kotor sepanjang tahun. Namun menjelang musim kering yang berlanjutan,airnya akan menjadi agak jernih dan paras air akan turun dengan ketara.....
Inilah arena popping G>T teristimewa di dunia. Apabila dua arus dari Lautan Hindi dan pasifik bertembung di antara kepulauan Indonesia,maka terbentuklah arus deras di sekatar pulau yang dikatakan satu-satunya pewaris dinasour yang masih wujud....
Badak-badak menarik terggiri besar dan layaran membedal popper di permukaan pasti menhiburkan anda di episod yang lalu. Di episod ini,selain pertempuran sengit dengan layaran,garepoh besar yang jaring terdapat di perairan Rompin....
Malaysia dikelilingi pantai dan pulau-pulauyang memukau. Jika anda rasa bosan dengan pancingan laut di atas bot,pergilah ke pantai berbatu atau pulau untukk mengilat sotong mengabang.....
Siapa kata P.Sembilan dah tak ada ikan? Siapa kata jingging tak boleh dilakukan di Selat Melaka? Segala dakwan itu akhirnya menjadi tidak berasas dengan dakwan itu eksperimen episod ini....
Selain ebek, spesis apakah yang dapat dipancing dengan jig besi? untuk mencari jawapannya, suatu eksperimen telah dijalankan di persisiran Kuala Rompin,Pahang.