Genshiken follows the lives of a group of college students drawn together by their shared hobbies, and the trials and adventures associated with being otaku. The story begins with the introduction of Kanji Sasahara, a shy, confidence-lacking freshman...
The firt 36 episodes are remade summaries of the first three series (Captain Tsubasa, Shin CT and CT J): Tsubasa's career with Nankatsu and the different championships in Japan with all the main characters of the series; the U-16 world cup in Europe,...
n a slightly different timeline than ours, the explosion of information and misinformation came to be considered a direct threat to society. In a daring decision, it was decided to create a new government agency dedicated solely to information manage...
Sakon is the grandson of the famous Bunraku master, Tachibana Zaemon. He is incredibly shy and lacks confidence in himself. However, when he is with his puppet, Ukon, he is able to focus himself and his crime-solving abilities. As a contrast to tradi...