The story centers around the popular high school boy Masamune Asuka, the top kendo fighter in the nation. However, beneath his cool exterior, he is actually fond of sweets and shojo manga, and is skilled in sewing and cooking. When he instantly falls...
The assassination of the head of the Lovelace family in Venezuela sets his maid, a former terrorist named Roberta, on a bloodthirsty quest for revenge at any cost. The search for the culprits leads her to Roanapur, causing a massive commotion in Thai...
in the end ,the ex-bodyguard manages to track down the mastermind behind the ebduction.who turns out to be the female personal assistant pf the tycoon's daughter.the tycoon determines to carry out the final execution himself ,only to discover she is ...
The story revolves around a highschool boy named Niwa Makoto. He lives with his aunt’s family since his parents are away on business. It is there where he meets his mysterious cousin of the same age Touwa Erio — who happens to tie a futon...
Yuuki's earliest memory is of a stormy night in winter, where she was attacked by a rogue vampire... And then rescued by another, Kaname Kuran. Now ten years later, Yuuki Cross, the adopted daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, Kaien Cross, ha...
In the Hayate Way's Ninja Academy, three pupils are not exactly fitting in. But because their sensei believes they have potential he regularly spends the morning personally and rigorously training them. While the other students are having their gradu...
travelogue program takes you to xinjiang uigur autonomous region in northwestern tells you how much it is defferent from the eastern parts of china.the program host shows you two attractions of Xinjiang-Urumqi,The capital of this region and ...
There are 59 giant pandas in Chengdu Giant Panda Research and Breeding Center. They are facing three threats of survival - difficulties in mating, pregnancy and high infant mortality. Thanks to the technology of artificial insemination, scientists ar...
The story's main focus is the teacher and apprentice-like relationship between Adachi Asumu and the Oni called Hibiki. Asumu is a young boy unsure of himself and is at a crossroads in his life as he transitions to high school. As the series progresse...
The inhabitants of the continent of Cruzon are born with the ability to freely control quartz. Technology based on this power allows them to perform a great multitude of tasks such as shoot projectiles and pilot mobile suits (called Golems in this so...
Based on the popular manga/anime series, Bleach: Soul Resurreccióndepicts the battle between the Soul Reapers and the army of evil Arrancarsthat threaten the peace of the world. Bleach: Soul Resurreccion gives players the sensation of single‐handed...
Based on Eto Mori’s award-winning novel geared toward young adults, the story involves a spirit referred to only as “boku” (me) who has recently died. “Congratulations! You’ve won the lottery!”, an angel informs hi...
"Hell" is the place where a person is sent to who committed violent crimes when they were alive. Shinigami are forbidden to go there. One day prisoners revolt and make their escape to Karakura - the real world - where Ichigo and his friends live in. ...
Lucy is a 17-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isnt just any ordinary kid, he's a member of one of the w...
In October 2007, an extraordinary ceremony about collection was being held in the National Museum of China.Da Hong Pao, a highly prized tea originated from Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province, is the sole item of collection. That is unprecedented in the...