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12Mar2025 - 02:00 01 AM
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DVD Hanbando / Piano Man 韩半岛 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : KMD/50006
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :100 g
Staring :车仁表 , 文成根 , 赵在铉 , 姜信日 , 安圣基 , 金相仲 ,
Director :康佑硕 ,
Year :2006
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Korean ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

Taking place in the not too distant future, North and South Korean governments are on the verge of re-opening the Kyungui Railroad, which connects the two Koreas as a further step toward reunification, when Japan refuses to accept the decision, claiming rights to the railway lines based on official documents imprinted with the royal seal of King Gojong of Joseon a century ago. Yet an age old conspiracy is uncovered where the royal seal with which King Gojong signed the documents is suspected to be fake. It is a race against time and hidden agendas as the South Korean President (Ahn Sung-kee) employs the outspoken historian Choi Min-jae (Jo Jae-hyeon) and the descendant of the Joseon royal bloodline Kim Yu-shik (Kang Shin-il) to find the authentic seal and prevent the history of Japanese occupation from repeating itself. In the meanwhile, Japanese economic sanctions divide the Korean government, and its armed forces appear on the border of Korea threatening its sovereignty.

《韩半岛》的故事亦是发生在接近虚构的未来。由于南北关系得到改善,韩国人民终于盼来京义线铁路的开通,而这一令人期待的历史时刻,日本却根据与大韩帝国在1907年签署的条约,要求所有关于京义线运营的权限都应归属日本,并以“不提供贷款和各种技术”作为威胁。 面对日本这种嚣张无礼的态度,总统(安胜基饰)准备向日本开战。而这时在野史学家(赵在铉饰)发现条约上盖的图章是高宗秘密雕刻的假国玺,没有效力。他的主张得到了总统的认可,并成立 “委员会”积极寻找真国玺,希望推翻日本的主张。另一方面,总理(文成根饰)和国家情报院书记官(车仁表饰)与总统的“反日外交主义”针锋相对,提出“国玺无用论”,针对“强硬外交”的状况,主张在外交上能够寻求合作……在这里,百年的迷雾被重重揭开……

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