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12Mar2025 - 02:02 03 AM
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DVD Almost Love 青春漫画 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : KM404 M06
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :150 g
Staring :权相宇 , 金荷娜 , 朴智彬 , 李钟文 , 郑勇基 , 姜姬花 , 郑敏儿 ,
Director :李翰 ,
Year :2006
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Producer :Korea Showbox ,

Ji-hwan and Dal-rae are old friends who have grown up in the same neighborhood. Ji-hwan admires Hong Kong movie star "Jacky Chan" and wants to be a world action star. Dal-rae has a desire to be an actress. They quarrel everyday, however they are great friends who care for each other. One day, Dal-rae goes out with Young-hoon who is in the same Taekwondo class as Ji-hwan. Ji-hwan is also dating a girl, Ji-min, a gorgeous glamour girl. It seems that there would be no problem between the good friends, but somehow a strange atmosphere arises after they start seeing someone else. Everybody knows it is more than just a friendship, except for Ji-hwan and Dal-rae. 从小开始在同一个村子里一起长大的志焕(权相宇饰)和达莱(金荷娜饰),竟然连大学都考上同一所学校。特别崇拜成龙并且一心想成为世界级动作巨星的志焕和梦想做一名演员的达莱,虽然他们之间总是打打闹闹,并会把对方的短处毫不客气的说出来,但是每当关键时刻他们总是能够默默的帮助对方,关心对方,连他们周边的人看了都非常得羡慕。   终于有一天,达莱有了男朋友,他叫英勋,跟志焕一样就读跆拳道系。英勋担任系代表并在各种运动上都很优秀。而志焕也交了女友智敏,智敏有着令达莱望尘莫及的身材、漂亮又可爱。志焕和达莱之间看似没有任何问题的友情,随着相互都有了男女朋友,一种微妙的感觉涌上了他们的心头……   他们身旁的人都看得出来,但只有他们自己不知道。志焕和达莱微妙的感情已经超越了他们的友情……维持了13年的友情让他们的爱情将很难被对方接受。他们演绎的这部搞笑动作爱情片能否让他们领悟出爱情的真谛……

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