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12Mar2025 - 01:57 08 AM
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DVD My Girl & I / My Girl and I 蓝色警报 / 我和我的女友 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 47544220220019
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :200 g
Staring :宋慧乔 , 车太贤 , 文正熙 , 金海淑 , 金允石 , 金永俊 ,
Director :全闰秀 ,
Year :2005
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :English , Malay , Chinese ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :3 ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

描写纯情派高中生秀浩(车太贤饰)和单恋他的秀恩(宋慧乔饰)演绎的爱情故事.就读高中2年级的秀浩(车太贤饰)和秀恩(宋慧乔饰)从初中开始就认识了。秀浩学习一般,外貌也不太出众,只是非常善良,在学校也是默默无闻的普通学生,而秀恩却是全校男学生暗恋的美丽校花。但是,漂亮善良的秀恩也有暗恋的对象,那就是秀浩。慢慢的秀恩对秀浩小心翼翼地表现出了她的爱意。喜欢秀恩的男学生们既嫉妒又气氛,要找秀浩算帐,惹来一堆麻烦事。而本性憨直,不擅言辞的秀浩仍旧不知道秀恩喜欢自己。与你牵手的感觉让我心跳不已.为了向秀浩表白自己的爱,秀恩用录音邮件传达了自己的感情。听到了秀恩的甜美爱情告白之后,秀浩今生第一次感觉到了初恋的滋味。公开交往的二人幸福的享受着初恋的滋味。他们被同学故意安排单独去济州岛旅行,两人甜在心头,他们度过了有生以来最难忘和愉快的一天。秀恩一直隐瞒着自己身患绝症的事,却在男友面前不支晕倒。那个夏天,他们的初恋渐渐的成为了他们人生中最难忘最美丽的爱情…… Joo Yoo Rin is an imposter, proficient in English, Chinese, and Japanese, while Seol Gong Chan is the second generation heir of a big corporation. Because of his grandfather's illness, he is forced to ask Yoo Rin to act as his long-lost cousin so that his grandfather's last wish can be fulfilled. So therefore, they are both bound in a lie that no-one in the family knows the truth. Gong Chan's charming and intelligent ex-girlfriend, Kim Sae Hyun, grew up in a rich family and dreams to become a world-famous tennis star with the nickname "Sharapova of Korea". Upon returning to Korea after winning the title, she works hard at getting back with Gong Chan, thus causing both she and Yoo Rin to compete for Gong Chan's affection.

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