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05Feb2025 - 06:55 31 PM
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TV HongKong

TVB DVD Tiger Cubs II / Special Duties Unit 2 飞虎 II Eps.1-10 End (Eng Sub) TVB Hong Kong Drama
Code : 9555209015009
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :430 g
Staring :马德钟 , 钟嘉欣 , 梁烈唯 , 胡定欣 , 罗仲谦 , 苟芸慧 , 王君馨 , 古明华 , 胡枫 , 洪天明 , 袁伟豪 ,
Director :林志华 ,
Year :2014
Genre :Detective / Action , Family / Love / Relationship , HK TVB , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :5
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :HONG KONG TVB ,

《飞虎2》讲述了展瀚韬(马德钟)所领导的飞虎队行动组A Team,经过一年的合作和锻鍊,各队员渐见成熟,合作更具默契,而面对的新挑战亦接踵而来。随著旧拍档相继离队,俞学礼(罗仲谦)等A Team成员摇身一变成大师兄,以身作则带领一批九十后新队员。当众下属认定瀚韬是升任总督察的最佳人选,总督察潘子龙却由刑事情报科空降成为瀚韬的上司,众队员大表诧异之馀,亦要重新适应子龙的新作风。 瀚韬的「最佳拍档」、飞虎队狙击手庄卓源(梁烈唯),与女友丁慧慧(苟芸慧)彼此认定为终身伴侣,但卓源却发现慧慧举动异常而不胜烦恼。卓源在一次行动中击毙匪徒後,若有所思,开始对开枪感犹疑,更萌生离开飞虎的想法。另一方面,一心成为女飞虎的苏文强(黄智雯),经过多重辛苦训练,终如愿如偿。文强与学礼日久生情,二人正欲确认彼此关系时,学礼曾保护的富家女舒子丽再度出现,成为二人感情发展的牵绊。
在一次行动中,一名飞虎队员却被指违反守则需接受聆讯。其他队员对此忿忿不平,团结一致保护犯错队友,惟瀚韬公正不阿直斥其非。众队员有感瀚韬处事固执,向来团结的A Team竟面临四分五裂的危机,瀚韬该如何化解?

神秘女卧底 正邪两难辨
飞虎队在一次拯救人质行动中,匪徒执意要见一名失踪多时的刑事情报科女探员- 钟韦恩(锺嘉欣),但韦恩早以音讯杳然。千钧一发之际,韦恩突然出现,与瀚韬里应外合,救出人质。在失踪一年后,韦恩希望重回刑事情报科,但必须经过连串严格测试。瀚韬明白韦恩失踪缘由,帮助她复职。韦恩重返刑事情报科,与瀚韬率领的飞虎合作无间,渐对瀚韬产生倾慕之情,惜瀚韬刚与在英国进修的女友庄卓桦分手,未能太快投入新感情,始终与韦恩保持一段距离。
迎战悍匪帮 团队受考验
瀚韬带领的飞虎队面临分裂内忧的同时,又要面对犯罪集团策动惊天罪案的外患,匪徒目标竟是警队中人,瀚韬更一度身陷险境,究竟事件背後藏有甚麼阴谋?瀚 韬与一众队员能否冰释前嫌,凭藉飞虎精神,瓦解悍匪集团?经历隐瞒情报事件後,原与飞虎队合作无间的韦恩与所属的刑事情报科,还是否可靠合作夥伴?

Under Joe’s continual leadership in the SDU team, Him, Oscar, and Mandy all get along very well and tackle many tough challenges. Poon Tze Lung shakes up the team when he is introduced to the SDU team as their new commanding officer. Abiding by a different set of rules and possessing a different work mentality, Tze Lung’s arrival is not met with good reception and the entire A-Team has to learn to adapt and get along with their new boss.

While Joe was in an operation rescuing a hostage, he accidentally encounters Linda who is being hunted by the triad. Immediately impressed by Linda’s quick-wit and bravery, Joe aids Linda’s return to the Criminal Investigations Bureau once her undercover duties are over. Although they become romantically involved, Joe discovers that Linda has many hidden secrets.

At the same time, Joe’s career hits a bump when an operation fails that causes his teammates to question his leadership abilities. When the team dynamic falls apart and arguments ensue, Joe resigns. While Joe quits, it is finally revealed that Linda’s true intention was to figure out the mole that betrayed her years ago. Endangering the lives of many SDU officers, Linda abuses her status as a CIB officer to reach her goal.

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