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05Feb2025 - 06:39 53 PM
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TV HongKong

HKTV The Borderline 警界线 Eps.1-17 End by 朱镜祺 (HK25)
Code : 9555209015122
Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
Weight :330 g
Staring :廖启智 , 林嘉华 , 周俊伟 , 唐宁 , 蒋祖曼 , 廖安丽 , 姜皓文 , 梁宝琪 , 张松枝 , 林利 , 余慕莲 / Liu Kai-chi , Dominic Lam , Leila Tong , Lawrence Chou , Joman Chiang ,
Director :苏万聪 ,
Year :2014
Genre :Detective / Action , Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :HKTV ,

黑白分明,重视纪律,是警察最重要的界线。但若打破警界线,勇探与悍匪合作,侦缉与破案能力可能变成无限大。当过十二年卧底的边缘人;曾被诬陷,当过逃犯的火爆刑警;坐过冤狱,专劫悍匪的贼王;从未开过一枪,以生活智 慧解构罪犯的剩女师姐;义字当头,但痴爱女警的头号通缉犯;以及军械法证科的活字典高级女督察,一起斗智斗力,不单拼出爱、恨、火花,还打破所有界线,合 力为冤案平反,为悬案缉凶,构成不一样的战场。最热血的警与匪,透过血、泪、生、死,彰显人性光辉,留下一段段震撼人心的动人故事

The ability to distinguish from black and white; the importance of discipline are the most important boundaries of police officers. However, if the police go beyond these boundaries and collaborate with the criminals, then the capability of making arrests and solving cases may become unbounded. The most warm-blooded police and criminals, manifests the glory of human nature through blood, tears, life and death, leaving behind a stunning and touching story.

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