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14Mar2025 - 02:47 32 PM
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DVD The Berlin File / In Berlin 柏林谍变 / 柏林档案 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 6855935009314
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :180 g
Staring :河正宇 , 韩石圭 , 全智贤 , 柳承范 , 帕斯奎尔·阿莱亚尔迪 , Tayfun Bademsoy , 托马斯·席尔梅 ,
Director :柳承莞 ,
Year :2013
Genre :Detective / Action , Modern , Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :Korea 韩国希杰娱乐株式会社 ,

After a tense illegal arms deal in a Berlin hotel involving North Korean spy Pyo Jong-seong (Ha Jung-woo), a Russian broker, and a Middle Eastern terrorist goes wrong when disrupted by unknown assailants, Pyo narrowly escapes but encounters morass of conflicting evidence that may reveal why he was set up.

Also investigating the failed weapons sale, embattled South Korean intelligence agent Jung Jin-soo (Han Suk-kyu) goes after Pyo to uncover his identity, but is left trying to decode whether the North Korean "ghost" agent (whose information cannot be found on any intelligence database) is a double agent or taking the fall for a more insidious plot. Finding himself embroiled in a vast international conspiracy, Jung must determine the North's role in the deal, as well as the potential involvement of the CIA, Israel's Mossad, international terrorist organizations, and any other covert operatives lurking in Berlin's polyglot underworld.

Confronting the possibility of a double agent within Berlin's North Korean embassy where his wife Ryun Jung-hee (Jeon Ji-hyun) is a translator, Pyo discovers that Pyongyang security authorities have dispatched ruthless fixer Dong Myung-soo (Ryoo Seung-bum) to sort out potentially conflicting loyalties at the consulate. Dong's investigation quickly implicates Ryun and he gives Pyo just 48 hours to incriminate his wife, who is suspected of leaking information on the arms deal to South Korean agents trying to gain access to a secret multi-billion dollar bank account controlled by Pyongyang authorities.

Despite an apparently loveless marriage, Pyo is reluctant to betray Ryun, particularly after she discloses she's pregnant. He senses that she was set up by Dong and his father to gain favor with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. But when the North Korean ambassador makes an attempt to defect to the West, Pyo becomes incriminated as well. Narrowly escaping an assassination squad dispatched by Dong, Ryun and Pyo go on the run, with the rival Korean intelligence agencies closing in fast.

Pyo winds up falling into the path of Agent Jung, and the two create a reluctant alliance to rescue Ryun after she was kidnapped following an attack by Dong and his affiliates. The conflict escalates and both Dong and Pyo face each other in an ultimate showdown that culminates in Pyo killing Dong with the butt of his gun. Unfortunately, his wife Ryun gets caught in the crossfire and dies from her wound.

Jung reports to headquarters, where he learns that Dong's father has covered up the scandal using Pyo as a scapegoat. Jung, although frustrated at the internal corruption, has his hands tied. He meets with Pyo and cautions him to go into hiding and live the rest of his life "looking over [his] shoulder", as both North and South Korean forces consider him a traitor and fugitive. In the last scene, Pyo can be seen inside an airport at an unspecified time later.

德国首都柏林,一起失败的军火交易使朝韩各方势力的对抗趋近白热化。朝鲜大使 李学秀(李庆荣 饰)及间谍表宗盛(河正宇 饰)发现来自祖国的另一名冷血间谍董明秀(柳承范 饰)现身柏林,政权更迭让多年漂泊海外的他们心中充满不祥预感。在此期间,宗盛不得不遵照党的指示监视妻子——大使贴身翻译莲贞熙(全智贤 饰)的行踪。另一方面,在追查军火交易行动中遭受挫折的韩国情报机构负责人姜部长(韩石圭 饰)不甘失败,持续追查宗盛的踪迹。

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