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14Mar2025 - 02:52 13 PM
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DVD Penny Pinchers 攒钱罗曼史 / 爱情储蓄罐 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 6855935006412
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :180 g
Staring :宋仲基 , 韩艺瑟 , 李相烨 , 申素率 ,
Director :金正焕 ,
Year :2011
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :Korea iHQ ,

Even though Ji-Woong (Song Joong-Ki) is a college graduate he still calls his mother for money. Ji-Woong doesn't have a job and it's not easy for him to find a job with his lackluster resume. He lives in a cheap rooftop apartment in a low income area and is five months behind on his rent. Yet, Ji-Woong isn't despondent over his life and, in fact, lives his life like a playboy. Ji-Woong likes women and he doesn't mind wooing women with lies if he thinks it will get their attention.

Hong-Sil (Han Ye-Seul) is a bit of an oddity. She doesn't have any friends and lives her life extremely frugally to save money. She'll rummage through abandoned homes, looking for items to resell for a profit. She also collects glass bottles for recycling and takes a handful of sugar packs from coffee shops whenever she buys coffee. Hong-Sil also lives in the same low income area as Ji-Woong and her rooftop apartment is directly adjacent to Ji-Woong's.

One day, Hong-Sil learns that her neighborhood will undergo redevelopment and the tenants will receive 7 million Won ($6,000 USD) to relocate. Hong-Sil then thinks of a new way to make money. She knows the guy across from her apartment is delinquent on his rent and his landlady is about to kick him out. Hong-Sil then offers to pay for the five months of late rent payments if the landlady will evict Ji-Woong and writes her father's name down as the tenant. The landlady happily agrees.

Now that Hong-Sil has gotten the relocation fee for both apartments she comes across another problem. Where to put her money? Her father is a chronic gambler who frequently comes by for money. Hong-Sil then sees Ji-Woong sleeping outside of the apartment he was recently evicted from. Realizing that he has nowhere to go, Hong-Sil invites Ji-Woong to sleep in a tent in front of her rooftop apartment if he'lll follow her for two months. Ji-Woong readily agrees to do so. He soon learns news to make money and also forms a bond with the quirky Hong-Sil.

浪漫爱情喜剧,韩艺瑟饰演赚钱至上的女子,宋仲基扮演大学毕业后无所事 事的无业游民,讲述了两人为实现攒够两亿韩元计划而聚到一起的充满搞笑的经历。
千智雄,毕业后在社会上四处碰壁,不仅就业没找落,还要以“啃老”为生,甚至因为掏不出50块钱不能谈恋爱。雪上加 霜的是,智雄居然连栖身阁楼蜗居都租不起,面临流落街头的窘境,十足的穷鬼。具红实,信奉“世上没有免费午餐”,为了聚集财富甚至不谈恋爱,竭尽所能地省 钱,国宝级守财奴。这样的一对男女相遇了。


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