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14Mar2025 - 02:40 28 PM
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DVD The Gifted Hands 读心术 / 接触感应 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 6855935008218
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :180 g
Staring :金范 , 金强宇 ,
Director :权昊英 ,
Year :2013
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

讀心術除了本身是韓國常見的犯罪驚悚電影之外,劇中則是加入了超能力素材作為� {和,故事描述金康宇飾演一名警探,負責� {查好幾樁兒童失蹤謀殺案,剛好在案發現場附近都發現金範在牆壁塗鴉,這個人究竟跟命案有甚麼關係? 劇本本身概念雖不新鮮但是也算具有商業話題,開頭金康宇明明是警察卻跑去從事直銷這類搞笑反而讓驚悚基� {變得非常突兀,影片大量琢磨在兩位男主角的關係,金康宇兒時因為事故失去親生弟弟造成遺憾,年紀較小的金範如同他的弟弟一般,發現原來他雨聲具有讀心術的能力,握住他人的手就可以知道別人的過去,但過度使用超能力會讓自己受傷。 這類與生俱有超能力者往往受到外界與家人排斥,於是男主角過著與世隔絕的日子(其實讀心術其實並非多了不起的超能力,也沒有可怕到會影響到日常生活與周遭的人,不太有說服力),由於金範發現命案但深怕身分曝露而選擇用塗鴉表示,因此才會協助警方辦案,兩位男主角從互不相識、了解、出賣到信任,呈現出兩人非兄弟情誼(卻更像是同性之間的曖昧),在忙著處理男主角的情感,於是關於如何發現兇手辦案過程則是平凡無奇,如果不是有暴力血腥點綴,收尾的高潮實在拖沓不已。 讀心術 The Gifted Hands是一部公式化的犯罪異能驚慄片,處理的中規中矩,越來越走紅的金範在本片的俊美應該迷到不少女性,是一部粉絲取向之作。

Yang Choon-Dong (Kim Kang-Woo) is a detective who rarely gets results. One day, a woman comes to the police station and reports her daughter is missing. The other detectives don't take her case seriously, but Yang Choon-Dong believes it could be a real kidnapping case. His boss lets Yang Choon-Dong work on the case alone.

Late one evening, Yang Choon-Dong wanders down an alley to take a leak. Right next to him is a young guy (Kim Beom) with a hooded sweatshirt covering his face. The young guy appears to have finished spray painting graffiti on the wall. Yang Choon-Dong begins chewing out the young guy for vandalism, when the young guy sprays Yang Choon-Dong in the eyes and disappears into the night.

Days later, the missing girl is found dead in a vacant lot. Yang Choon-Dong is chewed out for not solving the case. During the evening news, Yang Choon-Dong watches a report on the missing girl case. The news report shows the crime scene from a distance. A chill suddenly runs through Yang Choon-Dong. He thinks back to the graffii incident in the dark alley. The graffiti that guy painted perfectly depicted the crime scene where the missing girl was found. Yang Choon-Dong becomes confused, because the graffiti was spray painted about a month before the girl's body was found. Yang Choon-Dong begins to hunt for the guy who spray painted the graffiti.

When Yang Choon-Dong finally tracks down the young man, he gets way more than he expected. The young man is able to recount a traumatic childhood incident that occurred to Yang Choon-Dong that nobody should know about. It turns out the young man named Kim Joon has a special "psychometry" ability, which allows him to read someone's past by simply touching them. His special gift though has haunted him all throughout his life.

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