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05Feb2025 - 09:56 01 PM
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DVD Switch 天机·富春山居图 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 6844221330010
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :150 g
Staring :刘德华 , 林志玲 , 张静初 , 佟大为 , 斯琴高娃 , 奥马尔·本·哈依德 , 爱新觉罗·启星 , 石天琦 , 王曼妮 , 张光北 ,
Director :孙健君 ,
Year :2013
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

#中國元代黃公望名畫《富春山居圖》,將在台北故宮博物院合璧展出,日本黑幫、英倫大盜聞風而動。國際特工肖錦漢(劉德華 飾),暗中執行保護計劃;卻與奉命送畫的官員林雨嫣(張靜初 飾),深陷勢力漩渦;神祕女郎麗莎(林志玲 飾)出現攪局,百變造型魅惑人心,她的目的究竟為何? 這場奪寶任務,將隨著《富春山居圖》揭開序幕… # #There are many mysteries surrounding writer-director-producer Jay Sun's purported action spy thriller Switch. For instance, how is it possible for the film to be absolutely nothing at all like it's supposed to be? The action sequences are sloppy, the main characters are really more art thieves than spies, and the only thrill to be had comes from guessing just how much veteran actor Andy Lau must have been paid to suffer through the making and marketing of this film. Lau plays Xiao Jinhan a.k.a. X, a secret agent tracking down one half of an ancient Chinese painting, which was stolen in transit from the Taipei National Museum. He's not the only person interested in the painting, however - bleached blonde Japanese crime boss Yamamoto (Tong Dawei), with a bevy of handmaidens/bodyguards who double as roller-blading nurses and Olympic gymnasts in their spare time, has put his main squeeze Lisa (Lin Chiling) on the job. A crazy wheelchair-bound harpy of an old lady who demands to be known as 'The Empress' also pops by to stir the pot. To further complicate an already nonsensical plot, Xiao's wife Yuyan (Zhang Jingchu) leads the security team tasked with keeping the painting safe.#

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