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05Feb2025 - 11:56 29 PM
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DVD All About My Wife 妻人太甚 / 我妻子的一切 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 6855935007716
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :180 g
Staring :林秀晶 , 李善均 , 柳承龙 , 李光洙 ,
Director :闵奎东 ,
Year :2012
Genre :Comedy / Love , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Korean ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :BMP Laser Enterprise Pte Ltd ,
Producer :N.E.W. Next Entertainment World ,

Before seeing a foreign language movie I almost always check the movie rating. If it was any other movie then I would not watch the movie after seeing the rating in IMDb,but when I saw that there is no review available for this movie then it becomes pretty much obvious to watch the movie.Now , the movie itself. It surely is an average movie not a must watch movie. Movie has a interesting story line although the comedy, emotion and serious parts of the movie not quite blend in perfectly. There are some dialogues that will definitely touch your heart.I hate to say all about the movie , because it will ruin it for you if you decide to watch it, Because there is not much to tell. Although the movie could have been much more entertaining,at least it will not bore you to death ;)

静仁(林秀晶饰)是个美丽可爱的女人,煮的一手好菜之余还不缺偶尔流露的小性感,任何人看起来都如此完美无瑕,但只要她一张口就会猛喷出各种不满和毒舌,让柔弱的丈夫道贤(李善均饰) 越来越感觉到自己要在这婚姻生活中死去。每天道贤都萌想出数百遍“要离婚要离婚”,但因为妻子太可怕,连一个字都吐不出来。思前想后的道贤最终想到一个完 美的解决办法,就是先让妻子主动离开自己。首先选择做尽一切妻子讨厌的事情这招,结果还是没法如愿,道贤这时无意中听到一个关于爱情杀手成基(柳承龙饰)的故事,据说每个女人碰到他都会陷入陷阱甘心当个奴隶,道贤想着这次机会来了,亲自上门找他不过成基表示已经金盆洗手退休过平淡生活,在道贤一再恳求他诱惑自己妻子时成基答应做最后一次。

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