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05Feb2025 - 11:54 31 PM
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DVD Ghost Sweepers 占卜师们 / 驱鬼特攻队 / 鬼魂追踪记 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 6855935006818
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :180 g
Staring :金秀路 , 姜艺媛 , 李帝勋 , 金允慧 ,
Director :申政元 ,
Year :2012
Genre :Comedy / Love , Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :N.E.W. Next Entertainment World ,


The village of Uljinri has been plagued by evil for decades. When mysterious accidents and events keep happening without avail, shamans from all over the country gather to hold a shaman ritual, and Chan-young, a young newspaper reporter is sent to cover the story.

The group of shamans begins their grand ritual, but with the strange eerie force that dominates the entire village and repeated attacks by the spirits, most of the shamans run for their lives. Only the five best shamans remain: Teacher Park, the most famous "star fortune teller" who gets paid for performing exorcisms around the country; Monk Shim-in, who studied with him under the same master but is now telling sundry couple's fortunes around old Tabgol Park; Suk-hyun who has a doctorate in engineering and makes all kinds of demon-chasing equipment; a boy named Wol-kwang, who has the power to see into the near future; and Seung-hee who is skilled at tarot cards and can see the memories stored in all objects. Along with Chan-young, the six begin to explore the dark secrets of the village while preparing for the biggest battle against the evil forces.

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