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27Jul2024 - 06:06 22 PM
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DVD 2011 East Meets West 东成西就 2011 (Eng SUb) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 9555209010769
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :陈奕迅 , 莫文蔚 , 钟镇涛 , 黄奕 , 郑伊健 , 谭维维 , 苏永康 , 房祖名 , 邓丽欣 , 钟绍图 , 李宗盛 , 方力申 , 林二汶 , 林一峰 , 唐嫣 , 杨幂 , 范逸臣 ,
Director :刘镇伟 ,
Year :2011
Genre :Comedy / Love , Modern , Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

Eighteen years after the classic Hong Kong comedy The Eagle Shooting Heroes, writer-director Jeff Lau returns with his latest fantasy comedy romp featuring an all-star cast. This time, Lau doesn't repeat his spoof of Wong Kar Wai's artsy wuxia, but comes up with a brand-new genre mashup filled with colorful characters inspired by Buddhist deities, his beloved brand of transcending romance, and loads of quotable lines and crazy, good old-fashioned "mo lei tau" gags. In a bid to surpass its unforgettable predecessor, East Meets West even lines up as many as 60 famous pop singers and actors, including Eason Chan, Ekin Cheng, Karen Mok, Stephy Tang, William So, Tan Weiwei, Jaycee Chan, Crystal Huang, Kenny Bee, and many more. Tens of millennia ago, eight gods who ceaselessly fought each other were exiled to earth. For generations, they have been reincarnated as mere mortals, and they won't be allowed back to heaven until they've learned to coexist in harmony. Then in today's Hong Kong, a mortuary beautician (Karen Mok) and her has-been singer dad (Kenny Bee) are chased for a huge sum of money they don't owe. Turns out her materialistic stepmom (Crystal Huang) has taken a tycoon's (Eason Chan) advance payment on the false promise of organizing a concert that she can't deliver. The family is therefore forced to go on the run, and along the way they meet an assortment of quirky people, including a mute baker (Ekin Cheng), a kung fu cab driver (William So), an aspiring musician (Tan Weiwei) and her crafty sidekick (Jaycee Chan). Through a series of comic misadventures, the seven of them come to realize that they used to be gods and have a mission in this life, but...who is the eighth god that has yet to rejoin them?


十八年前群星賀歲喜劇《射鵰英雄傳之東成西就》,劉鎮偉再創喜劇新經典,2011年由莫文蔚、陳奕迅、黃奕、鄭伊健、房祖名、譚維維、蘇永康和鍾鎮濤飾演誤墮凡間八大天神,還集合了鄧麗欣、李宗盛、唐嫣、楊冪、溫拿樂隊、馬天宇、林一峰二汶兄妹等超過60位中港台紅星,《東成西就2011》揉合科幻、動作、愛情及喜劇元素,加上大型CG的科幻特技,以一見鍾情的體溫38.6°C來延續劉導的愛情進化論! 長無厘頭鼻祖的鬼才導演劉鎮偉,再以天馬行空的想像力拍成《東成西就2011》。港女鍾曉明(莫文蔚飾)因繼母嘉嘉(黃奕飾)欠下巨債,與過氣明星爸爸阿B(鍾鎮濤飾)落跑北上找她算帳。在債主的威迫下,阿B必須找回其他溫拿的成員舉行演唱會,因而讓鍾曉明邂逅了貪得無厭的富商周董(陳奕迅飾)、的士司機(蘇永康飾)、小籠包師傅大雄(鄭伊健飾)、富家女言成玉(譚維維飾)和跟班小兵(房祖名飾)……

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