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13Mar2025 - 09:00 52 AM
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冤魂不散 Who Killed Ghost
Code : 9557204071875
Price : MYR21.90 SGD10.40 USD8.54 RMB59.13 MYR17.52 / SGD8.32 / USD6.83 / RMB47.30
Weight :200 g
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Thai ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :New Southern Records Sdn. Bhd. ,

She's already gone but her soul is still around. Waiting to hunt the killer down. Pe,Ton and Pae were haunted by a spirit. They tried to find out the reason why this happenning to them and not knowing that actually, the spirit is their friend-Da, who passed away not long ago. Da tried to communicate with the three of her friends. with one simple reason - she wants to know who killed her? Will the three friends help Da to find the killer? Or is the killer actually among the three of them?


她已经死了,但是灵魂还在阳间徘徊,等待向凶手复仇。。。 Pe,Ton和Pae被冤魂Da苦苦纠缠着,渐渐发现冤魂原来是他们在没多久前,刚离奇逝世的好朋友-Da,冤魂不散只是想委托他们,帮忙找出杀害他的凶手。 Da是被谁所杀害?凶手另有他人,仰或“最好的朋友就是最危险的敌人”?他们三人之中,谁会是Da要找出来的凶手吗?不到最后一分钟,答案无法揭晓。

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