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11May2024 - 12:37 11 AM
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TV HongKong

HONGT KONG TVB DRAMA Lives of Omission 潜行狙击 Eps.1-30 End by Choi Suk-yin (HK11)
Code : 9555209009947
Price : MYR59.90 SGD28.45 USD23.36 RMB161.73 MYR47.92 / SGD22.76 / USD18.69 / RMB129.38
Weight :380 g
Staring :谢天华 , 陈法拉 , 黄宗泽 , 刘松仁 , 徐子珊 , 张国强 , 江美仪 , 郭政鸿 , 黄智贤 , 欧阳靖 , 黄智雯 , 韩马利 ,
Director :庄伟建 , 苏万聪 ,
Year :2011年8月1日
Genre :Detective / Action , Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC , PAL ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :6
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD Complete Set ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :HONG KONG TVB ,

Working as an undercover for many years, Laughing (Michael Tse) escapes from all calamity. Two years ago, he underwent special training to become a mute and worked in mainland China as an undercover. Closely working with the mainland Chinese police, Laughing successfully busts an illegal armed weaponry organisation and resumes his identity as a police officer in Hong Kong. He is appointed as head instructor of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB), specialising in seeking and training CIB recruits in undercover work. Laughing, however, is unable to adapt to the stress in the discipline of police life and becomes a rogue cop. To get his jobs done quicker, he hires the gangster Michael So (Bosco Wong) as his informant. On the surface, Laughing and Michael appear to be good brothers, but in fact both have their own purpose, mutually taking advantage of one another. Feeling as if Laughing is holding him back from "moving up" in the triad, Michael betrays Laughing and decides to work alone. To tackle down the triad's crimes, Laughing applies to be an undercover once again. 梁笑棠(謝天華飾)擔任臥底已有多年光景,過去的臥底生涯,讓笑棠建立了一套他個人當警察的原則-「做事可沒底線,但立場從一而終」,即使他再踩界、再有欺瞞,他的心仍然是白-「一日警察,一世警察」,從第一天當臥底,這忠義精神已植根在他的腦裡。笑棠聯同國內公安成功搗破一個粵港犯罪集團,回復警察身份,被CIB高級警司鞏家培(劉松仁飾)任命為CIB刑事情報科教官,與CIB高級督察周望晴(陳法拉飾)專責物色及訓練臥底。望晴與笑棠培訓新成員蒙心凌(黃智雯飾)、楊立青(歐陽靖飾)、孫少杰(周志康飾)、林寶甜(林穎彤飾)及郭定天(羅鈞滿飾)成為出色的臥底學員…… 望晴從小與母親何秀美(韓馬利飾)相依為命,聰明能幹的她,廿一歲考入警隊,當見習督察,駐守過特別職務隊O記和毒品� {查科,擅長分析,再複雜的大案都難不過她,在隊中,最得家培欣賞。望晴在笑棠工作上受到連番打擊時不自覺地對他產生憐憫,從而情不自禁愛上了他。直至一次生死關頭,二人終於向對方表白心事,爆發激情,展開了秘密情侶關係。家培兒子鞏樂勤(狄易達飾)為瓦解校園販毒,以身犯險,最終被人悉破,有性命危險,幸得家培前女友袁君嵐(江美儀飾)、笑棠與望晴暗助樂勤而脫險…… 古惑仔蘇星柏(黃宗澤飾)出獄後行路一拐一拐,行事變得收斂低� {,顯得寒寒酸酸。打架劈友之事,星柏永遠站在最後,逃命時比誰都快,被同門兄弟取笑,以為他一蹶不振,從此掉以輕心。其實他一直處心積累,目的是坐上坐館之位。星柏主動獻身做笑棠線人,是借提供線報以清除異己。借著笑棠之助,星柏成為社團坐館莫一烈(張國強飾)身邊得力助手。及後,笑棠和星柏一同為一烈服務,爭取新界北的巨大利益。一烈突然被人暗殺而死,星柏接手社團,他一直培植及招攬各階層精英為其辦事,一方面善用一烈的前手下鄧國彬(黃智賢飾)及方俊龍(周志文飾),一方面與CIB跟蹤組警長司徒凱(郭政鴻飾)及定天勾結,更得大律師馮應駒(于洋飾)徒弟姚可可(徐子珊飾)之助而走法律隙,以合法商人姿態出入,令警方也束手無策,成為笑棠的最強敵人……

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