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07Mar2025 - 10:10 58 AM
Category :


Meat Grinder 人肉面线
Code : 9557204071387
Price : MYR21.90 SGD10.40 USD8.54 RMB59.13 MYR17.52 / SGD8.32 / USD6.83 / RMB47.30
Weight :200 g
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Thai ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :New Southern Records Sdn. Bhd. ,

Bus has been living with tension and stress for all of her life, she works hard for her family as a noodle cook. Sometimes, she is controlled by a mysterious voice that suggests her to do or not to do things. One day, she encounters a chaos in town and is rescued by a guy named Uttapol who later becomes her companion. That evening after the chaos, Bus surprisingly discovers a guy lying dead under her stall, she discreetly looks at him and comes up with her new recipe. Bus begins to slice his flesh, mix it with spices, and throw it into her noodle pot. After her secret recipe is introduced, Bus gains so many customers and reputation of her delicious noodle. Meanwhile, the haunting voice still keeps talking to her, and tell her what to do. Bus tactfully starts to lure and murder people. The more she kills, the more of her dark side reveals. And when Uttapol begins to suspect Bus’ behavior, he stumbles on the evil of her as he is now the hunted.


布斯(咪渣倫浦拉飾)自小生長在暴虐的家庭中,常遭鞭打叱罵,長大後嫁給一個繼父的朋友當老婆,但那時布斯已有身孕,布斯老公好賭,又與照顧布兒的褓母通姦後,不見人影。布斯獨力撫養著生病的女兒,兩人相依為命,在經濟生活困難下,房東又不時催收租金,時常讓她心力交瘁。 一日外出?#92;麵攤,卻逢鎮暴抗議,到處哀嚎四起混亂一片,此時學運逃亡的學生阿南(奈塔� {邦飾),帶著她躲入巷子;兩人的相遇,開啟布斯從未敢幻想過的甜蜜與幸福,兩人男外女內,阿南幫忙遞送洗碗,布斯燒火掌廚,加上麵線風味獨特,生意越做越好,誰知令人垂涎家傳的美食秘方,竟是人肉作成的.....

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