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05Feb2025 - 07:51 52 PM
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DVD Mr. & Mrs. Incredible 神奇侠侣 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 9555209008711
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :250 g
Staring :古天乐 , 吴君如 , 李菁 , 何云伟 , 文章 , 杜汶泽 , 李沁 ,
Director :谷德昭 ,
Year :2011
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

Hong Kong No.1 box office queen Sandra Ng (Echoes of the Rainbow, Golden Chicken – Golden Horse Awards Best Actress) teams up with Johnnie To regular Louis Koo (Election I & II, Triangle, Overheard) in this larger-than-life action comedy about a retired superhero couple caught in the middle of a colossal martial arts tournament. Love is never meant to be an easy matter -- especially for superheroes. Huan aka the Gazer Warrior (Louis Koo) falls in love with Red aka the Aroma Woman (Sandra Ng) during a superhero standoff. But life as a superhero means little time for each other. Getting tired of their busy vigilante lifestyle, they decide to retreat to a small village and start a family together. Five years have passed. Huan and Red seem to be living a quiet and happy life. But once you were a superhero, there is no way out … The official announces the upcoming national martial arts tournament to be held in their small village. All of a sudden, the village turns into a Mardi Gras, with hundreds of kung-fu masters and fanatics from all over the country eyeing for the ultimate championship. At first, Huan and Red’s secret identities are well kept. As they plan to leave the village for good, Huan gets tangled in a conspiracy to murder every champion. When they gradually find out the true identity of the mastermind, Huan and Red decide to don their costumes in the name of justice once and for all.


� {《金雞》一片贏得金馬獎影后的香港首席票房天后吳君如(《歲月神偷》、《家有囍事2009》)夥拍型男古天樂(《黑社會》、《竊聽風雲》)在《神奇俠侶》飾演一對已退隱江湖的超級英雄俠侶,以絕世武功及無限笑彈為武林主持公義。 退休生活悶親人 俠侶重出江湖起風雲! 能以雙眼放電的的囧囧俠聶歡(古天樂 飾)及以香味迷暈敵人的香香俠小紅(吳君如 飾),對打打殺殺的江湖日子極感厭倦,結婚後兩人毅然退隱,匿居於南方小島彩虹村之內,過着無無聊聊的日子。 但一日是英雄,終生是英雄。隱居數年,一身好武功只能用於家頭細務之上,平淡的普通人生活已令他們悶得發慌。 當他們心癢難止之際,新一屆武林大會竟然於彩虹村舉行。原本已經手痕的神奇俠侶,開始磨拳擦掌,決定出山趁熱鬧!各路江湖人馬紛紛聚集,彩虹村卻變得殺氣騰騰;不但多位武林高手被離奇殺害,矛頭更逐步指向聶歡與小紅夫婦!究竟暗殺背後,隱藏甚麼驚世陰謀?不甘做兇手的替死鬼,更不忍越來越多人無辜被殺,神奇俠侶誓要重出江湖,找出幕後真兇,為自己洗脫污名!

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