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02Jan2025 - 10:41 00 PM
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DVD Secret / Saving My Wife 秘密 / 拯救我的妻子 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 4754221670011
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :车胜元 , 宋允儿 , 柳承龙 , 郑仁基 , 金仁权 ,
Director :尹宰久 ,
Year :2009
Genre :Detective / Action , Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

"Secret" is essentially about an estranged couple dealing with the loss of their child. The distance between them can also be traced back to the fact that Seong-ryeol had an affair with Ji-yeon's best friend, but our protagonist still clearly loves his wife enough to compromise his professional integrity. At work there's cause for more migraines, though Seong-ryeol never seems to lose his sense of style on the brink of a meltdown, as the charismatic Jackal comes in to give him a lesson about knifing people to explain why Seok-jun isn't the prime suspect. Meanwhile, footage from a security camera is about to give away the fact that Ji-yeon had been at the crime scene, and an anonymous caller who seems to know a big secret starts blackmailing Seong-ryeol.


盛烈(车胜元饰)是强力班的刑警,他是个尽忠职守,就算是好朋友犯了法也不会徇私的人。偶然下,他与妻子智妍(宋允儿饰)的好友海真发生了不伦关系,并使自己的孩子不见了。夫妇俩渐渐疏远,依然爱着妻子的盛烈在心里内疚的自责。   智妍是国内知名的奚琴演奏家,虽然因漂亮的外貌和出众的才华令其赢得了不少人的爱戴,不过孩子失踪的事情始终让其耿耿于怀,走不出悲伤笼罩的她接受了精神科专家的治疗。智妍越是想摆脱痛苦,越是不能从中逃离。这时有了一个到美国留学的机会,她做出了整理好韩国的生活离开的打算。   在给智妍开欢送会这天,海真的挑衅令夫妇关系雪上加霜,盛烈为此更感觉到对不住妻子。   智妍的欢送会结束没多久,盛烈就被警局召回,他在放高利贷的赵东哲死亡的矿井现场发现了智妍的痕迹,这让他感到慌张啊“为什么妻子的随身用品会留在这里?她和死者赵东哲到底是什么关系?”盛烈为洗脱妻子的嫌疑而努力在搜查着,智妍自己对此却毫不在乎,在她看来丈夫之所以会如此卖命完全是出于警察的本能和对自己的内疚。赵东哲的哥哥赵光哲是   黑社会头目,他扬言一定要真凶血债血偿。   在被杀现场的监控录像带里,盛烈发现了欠债人石俊、疑似凶案目击证人的京浩等人的身影。谜团似乎越来越多,盛烈在逐步接近真相的同时也使自己走向了危机的边缘。监控录像带含有重要线索的部分被人为地毁坏了,一个化名皮耶罗的神秘人开始与盛烈联系,其自称掌握了关键的破案线索想与盛烈作交易,他的出现扰乱了盛烈的查案步调。

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